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Q: What kind of black birds roost in trees by water in Oklahoma?
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Related questions

Where do birds go to at night outside of breeding season?

They usually roost in trees, though some use buildings.

What trees do black birds like?

tall trees

What do birds that stay in the winter do?

Try to find what food their is and some birds roost in the winter. This is why it is really important to put food out for birds and put up nest boxes in your garden on trees, fences and walls.

Do bats roost in cypress trees?


Where do peacoaks sleep?

They like to roost in trees.

Where do wild turkeys seek shelter?

they roost in trees

What songbirds have four letters starting with a l?

CardinalCrossbillDickcisselGullHerring gullKestrelOuzelOwlPetrelQuailQuetzalRailRazorbillRedpollSeagullTealWagtailWhimbrelWhippoorwill

How soon do young turkeys roost in trees?

5-7 days they can get in small trees from predators.

Where and when do guinea fowl sleep?

Guineas love to roost up high. If housed indoors, they prefer to roost as high as possible, If outdoors, they often roost high in the trees and become dinner to owls and other predators.

What is roost verb or noun?

The word roost is both a noun (roost, roosts) and a verb (roost, roosts, roosting, roosted). Example uses: Noun: The trees along White Street are a popular evening roost for crows. Verb: The crows only stay long enough to rest. I don't know where they roost overnight.

Where the wild turkeys rest?

Normally they flock together in trees to roost.

Where do wild turkeys sleep?

Wild turkeys sleep in bushes .....probably lol my guess is as good as urs