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Any dog if you get it young enough you can get it used to them like ive got 3 dogs and 3 cats they are fine with my chooks and budgies and our chooks are free ranged and out all the time

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4w ago

Some breeds that are known to get along well with both rabbits and budgies include the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Golden Retriever, and Labrador Retriever. It's important to introduce them carefully and supervise their interactions to ensure safety for all animals involved. Socialization and training can also play a key role in fostering a harmonious relationship between different species.

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Q: What kind of dog will get along well with rabbits and budgies?
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Because that's the natural order of things: rabbits are prey and dogs are predators.Not all dogs are aggressive to rabbits, though. Pet rabbits and dogs have been known to get along very well (although they should never be left alone together, no matter how well they behave: too many rabbits have been lost that way).Some dog breeds tend to be more aggressive towards rabbits than others.