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Chickens can live in a city given proper housing, but many cities have laws prohibiting or limiting chicken keeping. The best thing to do is first find out what the laws are for your town, and make sure your neighbors are OK with it (you probably won't be able to keep a loud rooster, only hens). There are many people living in urban areas who keep small coops with a few hens for eggs--it can be done!

Chickens like at least 2 square feet per bird inside their coop, and 8 square feet per bird outside of it. If they are kept completely confined to a coop, 8 square feet per bird is good. Space requirements are even less for bantams, which are miniature chickens.

They like to have a coop (any well-ventilated, predator-proof little building you can find/build) and a run (a fenced in outdoor area for hanging out in during the day). If you aren't able to build a fenced in area, you can let them out for a little while in the late afternoon to free range, keeping an eye on them until they go inside for the night. They don't go far, and naturally return to their coop to sleep. There are also coop designs that have a built in run which can be dragged around your yard, which are good for small spaces.

Keep in mind that most chickens raised on factory farms are kept in tiny cages with only about the space of your monitor screen to move around in. So whatever environment you provide for them that gives them more space (and some time outside) is bound to be better than that, even in the city.

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2mo ago

Chickens need a coop that is dry, draft-free, and well-ventilated, with space to roam outside. They also require access to fresh water, food, and a place to lay eggs. Chickens can be raised in the city as long as local ordinances allow for it, and proper care is provided to ensure their well-being.

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Q: What kind of environment does a chicken need to live in can a chicken be raised in the city?
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