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Ivermectin or Pyrantel Pamoate. You can get them from the vet or from a feed store.

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Q: What kind of medicine is used to get rid of worms in dogs?
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Dogs, pigeons, horses, glow worms, elephants, parrots, oxen, pigs, cats, donkeys and camels were all used in world war 1.

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You need to have it; depending on what kind of medicine.

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No, Dogs should not eat horse meat of any kind due to the chemicals used to treat the horses for worms and other things such as illnesses. The chemicals do not go away when the horse dies and can kill other animals such as dogs.

What is Dr Reckeweg R56 used for?

Dr Reckeweg R56 is a homeopathic medicine that is used for the treatment of worms, specifically tapeworms and other intestinal parasites. It helps to expel the worms from the body and supports the overall digestive health.

Can A dog Die from Expired Deworming?

Possibly, if the preparation was contaminated somehow, but that is not a very likely scenario. Keep in mind that medicine used to rid dogs of worms is actually a kind of toxin; it's possible that the dewormer became too concentrated, or the animal consumed too much of the product. Also, the preparation may have been the wrong dose for the weight of the dog.

Can you use synanthic on dogs for worms?

Synanthic can be used on dogs although it is commonly prescribed for use in cattle. Before giving it to your dog, seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Did Native Americans have doctors?

kind of..... they had healers or medicine men and women, but they used home remedies, not really effective medicine.

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No, the gas used in veterinary medicine for euthanasia is carbon dioxide. However, because this method is technically difficult and can cause some anxiety in larger dogs, it is not used to euthanize dogs.

What is tansy used for in Medicine?

Internally, it can be used to expell worms from children, and can also be valuable in use for hysteria and kidney weakness. Externally, it can be used with benefit for some eruptive skin diseases, and can be used to heal sprains.

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This is a kind of medicine prescribed by doctors for acne treatment.It's used for warts and pimples.

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