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It would depend on your labeling, but it goes right above the producers. I would call it a first level consumer.

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Q: What level do you place an elephant in an energy pyramid?
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To what does the tropic level of an animal refer?

The trophic level of an animal refers to its place on the energy pyramid. Its trophic level shows what the animal eats and how much energy it gets.

Why is all the energy in one level of a food pyramid not available to the organisms at higher level?

its because that all the organisms get fit in one place.

What is the event that take place as energy from the sun travels through an energy pyramid?


Can you describe the events that take place as energy from the sun travels through an energy pyramid?

I have no clue

Which level the energy pyramid contains the most energy?

The bottom level which contains plants has the most energy. This is because they get their energy directly from the sun while other animals get it from plants themselves, or other animals. Animals cannot absorb 100% of the energy when they eat plants so the level of energy degrades all the way to the top of the food chain. Each animal gets less and less % of the energy the plant had in the first place.

How is solar energy transported from one place to another?

Solar energy is transported through food chains/webs in ecosystems, as part of an energy pyramid, which has 3 main trophic levels: * Level 1: Autotrophs (plants) fix the energy from the sun during photosynthesis; the energy becomes part of the plant biomass * Level 2: Herbivores consume the plants * Level 3: Primary carnivores feed on herbivores, and are consumed by: * ** Secondary carnivores At each level the energy consumed is assimilated and then either respired, or becomes part of the biomass. Some species participate at more than one trophic level, for instance birds which are herbivores and carnivores. Ecosystems are not very efficient at capturing solar energy; plants capture only 1% of the energy available from sunlight, and far less than that eventually reaches the top of the pyramid.

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How can i Draw energy level diagram for d8 square planar complex?

Drawing a energy level diagram is simple. All you have to do is draw a graph and place the value of the energy.

How does an elephant get from place to place?

It walks.

Which of the following best explains why the number of organisms at each level decreases while moving up the energy pyramid?

because the larger animals higher up the energy pyramid require more food and energy therefore the population of the species below it can support less of the larger species.

Where can one find examples of atomic energy level diagrams?

Atomic energy level diagrams can be found online at Wikipedia and Hyperphisics. The local library may also be a good place to find examples of an atomic energy level diagram.

Where is the place of white elephant?

White Elephant is generally found in Thailand.