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Mining and cattle ranching helped prepare western territories for statehood because these were two industries that brought people to the west. The people who moved west wanted to join the United States because they wanted to see law enforcement intervention.

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A LOT of open space and grasslands.

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Q: What made western states good for cattle ranching?
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What made the plains of Texas coloradoand other western states good for cattle ranching?

huge areas of open land

What made the plains of Texas Colorado and western states good for cattle ranching?

They were huge areas of open grassland once occupied by the great American Plains Bison.

After the Civil War why did cattle ranching become a good?

After the civil war cattle ranching become a good job because the demand for beef from cattle rose in the East.

Why was cattle ranching common in southwest?

Cattle was useful for many things. Farming, and good trade

How did mining and cattle ranching change during Westward Expansion?


Where are the main Cattle ranching regions in Texas?

All regions of Texas are good regions for cattle ranching, some more than others, like Central and Southeast Texas.

Why is cattle ranching big business in Brazil?

Cattle ranching is big business in Brazil because beef is a very popular food. Brazil and Argentina have large pasture areas that are very good for raising beef cattle.

After the civil war why did cattle ranching become a good job?

After the civil war cattle ranching become a good job because the demand for beef from cattle rose in the East.

What made the plains of Texas Colorado and other western states good for ranching?

They were huge areas of open grassland once occupied by the great American Plains Bison.

All of the following were true of both minig and cattle ranching expansion westward except?

Both mining and cattle ranching expansion westward was a good thing giving them more room. The bad thing was they has less to give been so far way.

Why did cattle ranching become profitable in the west?

Cattle ranching became profitable because ranchers bought land cheap and when they did they bought a lot of it. They could have thousands of head of cattle and could ship them East by the railroad. People in the East needed and wanted good quality fresh beef and would pay good money for it. Ranchers could have several thousand head of cattle because they had enough land to keep them and they could hire men easily and pay them only a small fraction of the profits from selling the cattle,which left most of the money to the rancher.

Why are parts of the southwest better for ranching than for farming?

Low rainfall and poor soil conditions are not good for farming. This area will support cattle if not over grazed.