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Q: What material do ants use to make anthills?
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What are some differences between bees and ants?

One obvious difference is that bees have wings, and ants do not. Another is that bees live in hives, but ants live in anthills, or piles of dirt . . . with tunnels. Another would be that ants have to hunt for their food, but bees make the stuff that they eat with their surroundings. ANOTHER difference is that ants bite or spray acid to defend themselves, but bees use their stingers. Yet still, they both have the ability to sting, but not all species of ants are able to do this. Another difference that I know are that ants have more species than bees, but they only beat them by 2,000 species. There are A LOT more, so keep searching for answers!

Why do ants use their antennae?

Ants use their antennae for smelling, feeling, and hearing.

What do ants sound like?

Ants have no means of vocalizing the way cats, dogs and humans do. They communicate with each other primarily through pheromones - scent molecules. If ants make any sound at all, it's incidental to what they're doing, such as large carpenter ants chewing on wood, and you'd have to listen closely or use electronic amplification to be able to hear it.

What are structural adaptation of an ant?

Leaf cutter ants have specialized serrated mandibles that they can use to cut up leaf material. They use this leaf material to cultivate a fungus monoculture which provides them with food. They also have a symbiotic bacteria that grows on their exoskeleton that produces antibiotics to inhibit an antagonistic mold that can devastate their fungus gardens.

What do humans use ants for?

In some countries like Thailand ants are cooked in a soup with fish and eaten as a delicacy.And also in America and/or Mexico there are chocolate coverd ants.

Related questions

How does an anteater open an ant or termite nest?

Anteaters have very long claws on their hands. They use these to dig holes in termite nests and anthills. Then they use their long, narrow tongues to lick up ants or termites.

What are some differences between bees and ants?

One obvious difference is that bees have wings, and ants do not. Another is that bees live in hives, but ants live in anthills, or piles of dirt . . . with tunnels. Another would be that ants have to hunt for their food, but bees make the stuff that they eat with their surroundings. ANOTHER difference is that ants bite or spray acid to defend themselves, but bees use their stingers. Yet still, they both have the ability to sting, but not all species of ants are able to do this. Another difference that I know are that ants have more species than bees, but they only beat them by 2,000 species. There are A LOT more, so keep searching for answers!

What ants use other ants as slave ants?

red ants

Where are newts homes?

They use ant holes and make them bigger and kick the ants out.

What do tailor ants do?

Tailor ants use their own grubs to produce silk and then make their homes by sticking one leaf to another using the silk

Why do ants use their antennae?

Ants use their antennae for smelling, feeling, and hearing.

What is the best material to use to make sheer draperies?

There is no best material to use to make sheer draperies. It is a matter of taste. I personally like to use a fine silk.

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How do you use borax to kill ants?

Borax kills ants.

How do you make a toy car with waste material at home?

They recycle the material and make car parts