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A molecule of water is split producing: 2H+ which contributes to the increase in proton gradient, 2 electrons reducing P680+ to P680, and an oxygen atom which later combines with another oxygen atom to form O2.

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Water is the molecule. Process is called photolysis

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Q: What molecule is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis?
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How do plants create food What is the formula for photosynthesis Where does photosynthesis take place and why is it possible?

The formula for photosynthesis (abv. photos.) is: Light Energy + Co2 + H20 --------> Carbohydrate + Oxygen As a whole, photos. takes place in the chloroplasts of a plant cell. There are two main reactions that occur during photos. The light-dependent reaction and the light-independent reaction. Each reaction takes place within a different section of the chloroplasts. The Thylakoids are the sight of the light-dependent reactions. Thylakoids look like little green coins. When they are stacked, they are called grana. Light dependent reactions are very complicated. They involve two photosystems, called photosystem II and I. Each photosystem has it's own little reaction that is complicated. PS I makes ATP and PS II makes ATP + HADPH. PS II is famous for spliting H2O's into H+ and O2. The stroma is the sight of the light indepentdent reactions. Stroma is the gel-like area outside of the thylakoids. As the name suggests, these reactions don't require light. This is called the Calvin Cycle. The Calvin Cycle pretty much takes 3CO2 and changes it into 6 PGAL's + 3C.Were dose food-making in plants take place?Were dose food-making in plants take place?

Why photosynthetic tissues are not found in animals?

Chlorophyll is used by plants to capture light energy during photosynthesis, plants use photosynthesis to make their food. Animals do not make their own food they get their food ready made so the don't to do photosynthesis or have chlorophyll

What is photo synthesis?

An AnswerIn the word photosynthesis, photo means "with the use of light" and synthesis means "building" or "assembly." So photosynthesis means building or growth with the use of light. The term refers to the process by which green plants use light to grow. An Answerphoto means a picture and synthesis means photograph which means a picture produced by photography; to take a photograph of; to practice photography; to be photographed or be suitable for being photographed in some specified way. Synthesis means the combining of the constituent elements of separate material or abstract entities into a single or unified entity; a complex whole formed by combining; the forming or building of a more complex substance or compound from elements or simpler compounds; the integration of traits, attitudes, and impulses to create a total personality. Yes, your welcome. Look at

Why do plants produce more carbon dioxide than oxygen during the night t?

Oxygen is produced by photosynthesis, which can only occur when there is light present. Carbon dioxide is produced by respiration, which occurs all the time, including night. or Respiration can happen without sunlight, but photosynthesis cannot.

How is glucose formed in most autotrophs?

Autotrophs use light energy from the sun to make carbohydrates. They do this using a process called photosynthesis. They make food for themselves and other life.

Related questions

What molecule is during the light reaction of photosynthesis of release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.

What molecule is split during the light reactions of photosynthesis to release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.

What molecule is split during the light reactions photosynthesis to release oxygen?

Water is the molecule that is split during the light reaction of photosynthesis when releasing oxygen.

What molecule produced during the light reaction of photosynthesis are needed to Cary out the dark reaction?


What is the role of the plastocyanin?

Plastocyanin is the electron carrier molecule in the light-dependent reaction in photosynthesis.

Water is the source of what product of photosynthesis during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

# photosynthesis 2. Water is the source of hydrogenduring the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis. Water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the atmosphere and the hydrogen is transferred to a carrier molecule called NADP, to produce NADPH. The NADPH is then used in the light independent reaction to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrate. See my answer to this question on WikiAnswers: What connects the light dependent reaction to the light independent reaction?

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What two types of reactions occur during photosynthesis?

The two reactions which occur during photosynthesis are light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction takes place only in the presence of light. Dark reaction can occur with or without light.

What a pigment molecule that transfers electrons during light reaction?

The chlorophyll molecule.

What type of chemical reaction is photosynthesis?

The two reactions which occur during photosynthesis are light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction takes place only in the presence of light. Dark reaction can occur with or without light.

What molecule is split during the light reactions of photosynthesis's to release oxygen?


What molecule is split during light reactions of photosynthesis to releases oxygen?
