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Although the Okapi bears striped markings reminiscent of the Zebra, it is most closely related to the giraffe. Okapis have reddish dark backs, with striking horizontal white stripes on the front and back legs, making them resemble Zebras from a distance. These markings possibly help young follow their mothers through the dense rain forest and may also serve as camouflage. The body is similar of the Giraffe, except that Okapis have much shorter necks. Both species have very long (approximately 35 centimeters), flexible, blue tongues that they use to strip leaves and buds from trees.

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15y ago

The okapi's closest relative is the giraffe, it is not related to the zebra.

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What are the five most question asked about okapis?

The five most asked questions about Okapis are: (1) What is an Okapis? (2) Where can you find an Okapis? (3) Can you domesticate an Okapis? (4) What do you feed Okapis? (5) Are Okapis endangered? If you would like to learn more about Okapis go to: and search "Okapis". Thank you.

What are Okapi and how do they talk to each other?

i dont know when okapis talk to each other, but i do know okapis can make a very low sound, that humans cannot hear and can communicate with one another. :) i dont know when okapis talk to each other, but i do know okapis can make a very low sound, that humans cannot hear and can communicate with one another. :)

When do okapis have baby okapis?

okapis have their babies when their is the least amout of rain fall usually. Although, okapis dont mate that much, since they are pretty independent, alot of zoo have trouble trying to get them to mate. okapis have their babies when their is the least amout of rain fall usually. Although, okapis dont mate that much, since they are pretty independent, alot of zoo have trouble trying to get them to mate.

What eats okapi?

Okapis, native to the dense rainforests of central Africa, are primarily preyed upon by large carnivores such as leopards. Leopards are skilled hunters and are capable of ambushing okapis in the forest understory. Additionally, other potential predators of okapis include African wild dogs and pythons, especially when okapis are young or vulnerable. However, due to their elusive nature and the dense habitat they inhabit, okapis have few natural predators and are largely protected from predation.

What trait separates the least closely related organism from the other animals?


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