

What part Stores food in the earthworm?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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thet store it in thier nuts

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Q: What part Stores food in the earthworm?
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The crop serves as a storage stomach in the earthworm.

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What is the function the of the crop on an earthworm?

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The cell part that stores food are the vacuoles.

Is the gizzard where the earthworm stores soil?

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What is the crop in an earthworm?

The crop is part of the esophagus, and is a storage compartment for food and other things that the worm swallows.

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What is part of the earthworm's digestive system that grinds food?

The Gizzard, it's the part of the worm that grinds up foods or solids.

What do you find inside the crop of an earthworm?

The crop is part of the stomach and digestive system of an earthworm. We (my class and I) just did the dissection of an earthworm awhile ago, and basically it is the regular stomach.

Why does the earthworm's gizzard and crop have a very different feel?

The earthworm's crop and gizzard feel different because they perform two different functions. The gizzard is hard to the touch because it is used to grind the soil the earthworm takes into its body. The crop is soft and more saclike because it stores food that the earthworm separates from the other things it takes in.