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Q: What phylum of worms has a true coelom and a complete digestive tract?
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What phylum consists worms lacking a coelom and possessing an incomplete digestive tract?


What phylum consists of worms lacking a coelom and possessing an incomplete digestive tract?


Does a The digestive tract of a coelomate functions as a coelom?


What is leech digestive tract?

Leeches have a complete digestive tract. Leeches are members of Phylum Annelida. This phylum has the general characteristic of having a complete digestive tract, i.e. food goes in through the mouth, pass through digestive tract of some sort like stomach and/or intestine, waste gets discarded through some sort of rectal opening, i.e. anus. In comparison, an incomplete digestive tract generally means food goes in and waste come out of the same opening, i.e. mouth=anus. Lower level invertebrates have incomplete digestive tract like Phylum Cnidaria and Phylum Platyhelminthes members.

Do mollusks have a pseudocoelom?

No, mollusks have a true coelom instead of a pseudocoelom. The coelom is a part of mollusks and annelids that is a cavity within the mesoderm that is filled with fluid.

Does a perch have a gastrovascular cavity or a complete digestive tract?

Perch have complete digestive systems

Which is a fluid-filled space separating an animal's digestive tract from the body wall known as?

This space is called coelom or body cavity .

Do chordates have a complete digestive tract?


Is the planaria digestive tract complete or incomplete?

Mammals have a complete digestive tract, it starts from mouth to anus. Although each species have some different type and length of tract, they have esophagus, ventriculus, intestinum which function to support a complete food metabolism. Besides, some digestive glands also support this function.

The complete lining of a person's digestive tract is renewed approximately every?

The digestive tract is renewed every 3-5 days.