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A 60 to 70 pound force bow should do the job. I would go with the 70 pounds personally because of the pig/hog's tough skin.

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Q: What pound compound bow do you need to kill a pig?
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How old is a browning wasp bow?

The Browning Wasp Bow is used in archery. This model of bow is a classic bow created in the 1970s.

Can a man kill a moose?

Only if he has a good hunting rifle, cross-bow or a bow-and-arrow and is shooting from a safe distance, or is shooting in an area where he cannot be seen by the moose. It is stupid to think a man can kill a moose with just a knife. This is because moose, no matter if it's a cow or a bull, can still rip a man apart with those sharp hooves or gore him with antlers (if it's a bull). Moose are tall animals, often standing taller than a man, not to mention they can turn on a dime faster than a man can, making it impossible to knife-kill a moose.

How do you make dog bows and what do you need?

To make a simple dog bow you just need some ribbon (the size will depend on the size of your dog). Cut a strip of it, again depending on the size of your dog. Just mess around with it to figure out the correct length for the size bow you want. Form a loop that looks like one of the awareness ribbons, so the ends make an "X" at the bottom. Then push the middle of the loop down to touch where the ends meet and put the rubber band around that part (it will be the centre of yoru bow). Then just adjust the ends so they match up to make an even bow :-)

What breeds of dogs are bow legged?

no certain dog breed HAS to be bow legged. it is all genetics. any dog could have bow legs. like it or not, there is no fix but better breeding... bow leggedness is often a result of poor breeding such as breeding two sibling dogs together, which often results in diseases and bow leggedness.

Why is bow season longer than rifle season?

The use of rifles in hunting is far more efficient than using a bow; it it much easier to strike and fatally wound a deer with a rifle than with a bow. As such over a set period of time more animals could be killed with a rifle than with a bow. If rifle season was as long as bow season many more deer would be bagged, which would put a strain on the deer population. Thus, bow season is longer than rifle season because rifle hunting does much more "damage" than does bow season.

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