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What process uses up oxygen in the cells of the body?


What uses hemoglobin to supply oxygen to other cells oxygen to the other cells you?

red blood cells

Does every cells needs oxygen and nutrients?

It depends on the cell, not all cells are aerobic but if the cell is to survive it needs nutrients and whatever it uses to catalyze its energy process

If oxygen is not needed in a cell process the process is .?

A+ students - anaerobic The process in which cells don't use oxygen is called Fermentation. Fermentation and lactic acid fermentation are different, lactic acid fermentation uses the oxygen faster than you can breathe so you feel muscle pains.

What life process do consumers use oxygen?

what life process in living things uses oxygen

Process that uses oxygen in the body?


What uses oxygen to break down food for energy?

The process of breaking down food for energy using oxygen is called cellular respiration. This process occurs in mitochondria within cells and involves the conversion of glucose and oxygen into ATP, the main energy currency of cells. Through cellular respiration, cells generate energy, carbon dioxide, and water as byproducts.

What uses hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity?

A fuel cells uses hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity, and produces water as a byproduct.

What do plants give off that helps us breathe?

co2( carbon dioxide) is absorbed by the leaves' cells of the plant, it uses it as energy, and it releases o2( oxygen )

What is the process that uses oxygen in the body?

Respiratory system

Which process in plant cells uses chlorophyll?

Photosynthesis Water, Sunlight, and Carbon Dioxide go into the chloroplast, and glucose and oxygen come out.

What is the process where your body uses glucose and oxygen to produce energ?

The process of respiration