

What sharks attack people?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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great whites
any shark will attack a person of it smells blood so if your at the beach don't get in the water if you have a little cut that is blooding sharks can smell blood 100 miles away
It depends on things you are doing, say you are Surfing sharks think that the surf board is a seal so they attack it (that is manly great whites though tiger sharks do too). Getting attacked by a shark and getting killed by a shark are both very unlikely. Say you get attacked by a great white they do not like the taste of human meat so after they take some part of you they are likely to leave you alone, if you get attacked by a tiger shark you are likely to be killed, but the chances of getting killed by a shark is 1 in 123,223 and the chances of getting killed by a dog is 1 in 1,023.
the three main types of sharks to attack humans are the

Great white

tiger shark

bull shark

but some smaller sharks like grey reef sharks and copper sharks may attack humans. Hammerhead sharks, mako sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, galapgos sharks, sand tiger sharks, black tip sharks, silver tip sharks, blue sharks, reef sharks, porbeagle sharks, spinner sharks, sandbar sharks are all also known to have attacked humans.

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sharks do not attack people on land. a shark is a water animal so if a shark took the time to atack someone on land, thehy shark would die. sharks do not breathe air.

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At this stage there are no sharks in the black sea because the water is too cold for them.

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this is a trick Question because sharks mistake people as seals and think that they are a tasty snack.

Do grey reef sharks attack people?

of course it dose its a shark

Why people frightened of sharks?

because people think sharks are killing machines but they only attack you because they think your a seal or their favourite food

How do people protect themselves form sharks?

they violently attack humans with their mouth they attack you

How do sharks attack people?

Sharks rarely attack humans.But if they do........They swim up to you and then they bite you.Then they may eat you. Or they will leave you to bleed to death and be eaten by other creatures of the sea.

How come sharks attack people?

because sharks take humans as seals while surfing , their favourite food is seal.