

What sounds do cats make?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Cats meow, hiss, growl and purr. When mating, they may also moan.

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12y ago

Cats meow, mew, mewl, yowl, purr, growl, hiss, and some other sounds.

in Japanese a cat says, "nya" or "nyo".

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I'm sorry if you like dogs better than cats but cats can make more sounds than dogs. Cats can make more than a 100 sounds. well dogs can only make ten (or something along the line)^ lllCats can make more sounds but they can make over 1000, not 100.Dogs do make about 10 sounds.

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yes they do they make a lot of sounds domesticated cats make such as purring growling and yowling but the reason why they make the sounds is because they are communicating with other animals if they are growling they are saying hey! back off! if they purr they are happy, and if they yowl that usually means that they are going into a attack either play or beating up an enemy

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Civet cats have been found to make a ha-ha-ha type of noise. It sounds quite odd. They also growl and make a screaming noise.

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Siberian tigers do make some sounds. Two such sounds are growling and roaring. Like all big cats, tigers can't purr.

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Why do cats make the noises they do?

The sounds they make is to communicate. Listening carefully and you may know what they say. Body language will also tell you what a cat is talking about.

Why cats make a weird noisy when iPad them?

They purr to tell you that they like it. And it is not a weird noise! It is one of the best sounds in the world!

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Why do cats spit?

Cats normally do not hiss or spit unless they feel highly threatened. Much of the sounds you hear during a cat fight are intended to make the other cat scared enough to back down and go away. Cats fight much more through making sounds than by physical attacks.

How many different sounds can cats make?

A cat can make over 100 sounds as a dog can only make10

Are domestic cats more like tigers or lions?

When domestic cats return to their ferral ( wild ) state they exhibit pride behavior like lions.