

What structures help support plants?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The cell wall

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Riley Wolf

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Q: What structures help support plants?
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Does chlorophyll pressure help support plants?

Yes, Chlorophyll pressure does help support plants.

What are thin coiling structures that support plants are called?

They are the plant's tendrils.

How does support help a plant grow?

support help the plants to grow as plants like creepers don't have a strong stem which could help them to stand straight thus any type of support will help the plants

What are the protective structures of plants?

Plants have several things that help to protect it. They have cell walls in their cells, which gives it rigidity and structure. They also have cellulose for strength.

What are the structures that grow on the potatoes and gingers?

There structures that help to grow new plants, like potatoes and ginger.

Why can't plants support their own weight?

Plants are not able to support their own weight because they don't have an internal skeleton like animals do. Instead, they rely on external support structures like the cell wall, interlocking branches and roots, and external support from other plants or structures. Plants also lack muscles and therefore the ability to actively move and contract to support their own weight. The main reasons why plants can't support their own weight are: No internal skeleton Reliance on external support Lack of musclesWithout these key components, plants are unable to develop the strength and resilience to support their own weight.

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Tails and legs help support a vertebrates body and allow it to move. Other structures to help a body move are muscle and bones.

What structures do you see that help plants gather and use the sun's energy?


What are the structures that help plants carry out photosynthesis?

Well, if possible, maybe leaves or stomata.

What are large vertical structures that help support the weight of the structure overhead?

Columns of course!

What are 3 cytoskeletal structures which help support cells?

Microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments

Structures of plants that help them reproduce?

the way they are leaning can determine how the pollen or seeds get transferred by the wind