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In the winter months, the two animals that are likely to get lice infestations are deer and cattle. One of the symptoms of a lice infestations are visible missing patches of hair.

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Q: What two animals are most likely to get lice infestations in the winter?
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Related questions

What danger is associated with lice infestations?

Lice infestations are not dangerous infections by themselves.

What organism causes infestations of body lice?

Infestations of body lice are caused by Pediculosis humanus corporis, an organism that is similar in size to head lice.

Where do lice infestations frequently occur?

Lice infestations are frequent occurrences in areas of overcrowding or inadequate facilities for bathing and laundry.

What causes the itching from lice infestations?

The itching is an allergic reaction to a toxin in the saliva of the lice.

Why do lice infestations pose a risk to the elderly?

The elderly are vulnerable to typhus and other diseases carried by lice.

How is a diagnosis of lice infestation confirmed?

Blood tests or other laboratory tests are not useful in diagnosing lice infestations.

Is there a vaccine for pubic lice?

There is no vaccination available for pubic lice or other lice infestations. Prevention by avoiding sex with an affected person is the best way to prevent pubic lice.

What is the most frequent factor leading to misdiagnosis of head lice infestations is?


What is the most frequent factor leading to the misdiagnosis of head lice infestations?


What state has the highest rate of pubic lice?

Because pubic lice infestations aren't reportable, it's not possible to get good data on incidence.

What does the part of the body where a patient has been scratching tell the physican about type of lice infestation?

Doctors can diagnose lice infestations from looking closely at the parts of the body where the patient has been scratching.

What does the part of the body where a patient has been scratching tell the physician about type of lice infestation?

Doctors can diagnose lice infestations from looking closely at the parts of the body where the patient has been scratching.