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The types of animals that die from human garbage are varied. A most often noted one is sea turtles that die from ingesting plastic bags because they resemble jellyfish.

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Q: What type of animals die from not recycle?
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Why do we recycle?

we recycle because we want a better world and all things can happen so that's why we recycle. to have our own world clean and i thank people who's recycling i do appeared what the people is doing others just have to keep throwing stuff outside. and do you know that animals die from others lierting do you know that it hurts them really i learned it in 5 grade and 4grade so who ever is reading this please recycle please i don't want other animals to die and thanks for reading this. and please recycle at school anywhere just recycle. Do you mean recycle? If you do then the reason we do it is to reduce and reuse old plastic items. This reduces pollution and litter in the world which also reduces global warming. It can also save animals.

Why sould you recycle?

if we dont recycle erath will get pluted bad and we can die but if we recycle nothing will happen

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Recycle reuse and what?

The meaning of recyclying reuse is when you recycle you can save animals because there habitat wouldn't of died out. Because you recycled.

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Could animals be harmed from not recycling?

Yes animals and plants can be dead if we do not recycle..Keep the world GREEN :)

Are plastics easy to recycle?

no,it takes long long time to recycle or may be not. Depends on the type of plastic, of which there are dozens.

How can you change recycle bin name?

You right-click the recycle bin and click rename. then you type in the name you want.

Why there shouldn't be plastic water bottles?

it pollutes the air and are animals that we love recycle

What could happen if er don't recycle?

Youll die

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Can you recycle any type of glass?

not mirrors, but apart from that yes :)