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Q: What type of radiation does a smart meter emit?
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What is the type of radiation insects such as bee's use?

I have a feeling it is Ultra-Violet radiation. I have a feeling it is Ultra-Violet radiation.

How do photons get to the earth?

The sun's radiation reaches us in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This type of radiation covers a wide spectrum (that is a wide range of frequencies), but those from the sun are mainly infra-red, visible, and ultra-violet. We and other animals have evolved to use the visible range for sight, the infra-red (that is lower frequency than red) causes warmth in objects that absorb it, and ultra-violet is at a higher frequency than visible light and causes sun burn if you get too much of it. All these frequencies travel at the 'speed of light' which is 300,000 kilometers/sec, and travel best in a vacuum.

Where can you find Knikila a wagtail bird?

The wagtail is a type of bird that is most commonly found in Asia and Australia. It is a very small bird that is smart.

Are Sea Monkeys Brine Shrimp?

Yes they are a variety of brine shrimp that were marketed by a very smart ("Spin Doctor" type entrepreneur who got very rich from the spin).

Is a cockapoo smart?

If we consider being smart as being able to solve problems the answer is no. But, from my experience, cockroaches are very sensitive to movements in their surroundings and to light. they have a sense of being detected by other creatures and they can easily change their positions and hide in secure places or in some cases keep not moving making it more difficult being detected. These were some examples of their natural behavior.

Related questions

What type of radiation do nuclear weapons emit?

Nuclear weapons emit nuclear radiation, with gamma radiation being the most common and dangerous.

Does phone really have radiation that is harmful to humans?

Cell phones do emit a type of non-ionizing radiation.

What is Geiger meter?

A Geiger counter, also called a Geiger-Müller counter, is a type of particle detector that measures ionizing radiation. They are notable for being used to detect if objects emit nuclear radiation.

What type of radiation does a nuclear reactor emit?

A safe reactor don't emit a significant or dangerous quantity of any radiation. But in the core of the reactor all the types of nuclear radiations are emitted.

What type of radiation does a comet emit?

Like the planets, comets emit no visible light of their own-they shine by reflected (or reemitted) sunlight.

What type of energy do stars emit?

Our sun emits mostly visible and ultra-violet radiation

What type of energy does the earth emit?

natural infrared radiation, and man-made radio energy

What type of radiation do bananas emit?

Bananas emmit Nuclear radiation, this is because of there high amounts of potassium. The specific isotope that causes the most radiation is Potassium-40.

What type of radiation does P-32 emit?

The radioactive decay of Phosphorus-32 emits only betaparticles (i.e. electrons) with a halflife of slightly longer than two weeks. No electromagnetic radiation at all is emitted.

What type of radiation does the universe emit the most?

Radio waves they are low frequencey; and it is what is emitted at very low temperatures

What type of energy does a pulsar emit?

A Pulsar is highly magnetised, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation.

What type of radiation does air conditioners emit?

Air conditioners are not designed to emit any electromagnetic radiation. If an old one does, it's usually in the form of radio waves, coming from the unintentional sparking inside an old motor, and causing raspy noise in nearby AM radios.