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Different types of plants and animals live in torrid temperature zones compared to frigid zones. Tropical animals such as parrots and monkeys live in torrid temperatures zones. Plants like banana and coconut trees are in torrid zones. Animals like polar bears and arctic foxes live in frigid zones.

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1mo ago

Plants found in frigid zones include mosses, lichens, grasses, and small shrubs adapted to cold temperatures and short growing seasons. These plants are typically low-growing and hardy, able to survive in harsh conditions with minimal sunlight and nutrient availability. Examples include Arctic willow, Arctic poppy, and Arctic heather.

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10y ago

There are so many different types of plants are found in the frigid zones. Some of the plants include algae, lichens, mosses, fungi and much more.

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Q: What types of plants are found in the frigid zones?
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Where do near shore zones get their nutrients and what form are these nutrients?

Near-shore zones get their nutrients from the fish and the land around them, the form of these nutrients are animals and plants

What under water animals live in the southern temperate zones and northern temperate zones?

Some animals that live in the southern temperate zones include seals, penguins, and various species of fish, while animals in the northern temperate zones include sea otters, seals, and different types of whales. These animals have adapted to the cooler waters and diverse marine ecosystems found in these regions.

5 major climate zones?

The five major climate zones are tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar. These climate zones are characterized by their distinct temperature and precipitation patterns, which shape the ecosystems and weather conditions found within them.

List six distinct ecological zones that can be found in the ocean?

The six distinct ecological zones in the ocean are the epipelagic zone (sunlight zone), mesopelagic zone (twilight zone), bathypelagic zone (midnight zone), abyssopelagic zone (abyssal zone), hadalpelagic zone (trench zone), and intertidal zone (shoreline area). Each zone has unique characteristics and supports different types of marine life.

What vertical zone or zones does a lionfish live in?

Lionfish are typically found in the tropical and subtropical zones of the ocean, specifically in coral reefs and rocky crevices. They are known to be bottom-dwelling fish, preferring depths ranging from 10 to 50 meters, but they can also be found at shallower or deeper depths at times.

Related questions

What plants found in frigid zones?

Some plants found in frigid zones include Arctic moss, Arctic willow, Arctic poppy, lichens, and alpine plants like saxifrage and heather. These plants have adaptations to survive the extreme cold temperatures and short growing seasons of frigid regions. They play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate ecosystems of these environments.

The frigid zones lie near what region?

The north and south frigid zones (also known as the Arctic and the Antarctic) lie near the poles.

What are the frigid zones of earth?

The arctic and antarctic.

What polar zones are also called?

Earth's polar zones are also called the Earth's Frigid Zones.

The frigid lies near?

The frigid zone lies near the temperate zones which consist of the tepid latitudes.

Where are more aquatic plants found?

More aquatic plants are found at marshy places of subtropical zones.

Where are the frigid zones located?

Frigid zone lies at the extreme Northen hemispheres (the Artic) and extreme Souther hemisphers (the Antarctic) of earth

What type of transportation will be used in frigid zones?

Trucks may be used as well as airplanes. It really depends on where exactly the frigid zone is.

What is the 3 main zones?

Tropical Zone , Temperate Zone and Frigid Zone

What zone is the South Pole?

Both polar regions on Earth are frigid zones.

What are the natural vegetation in frigid zone?

There ARE vegetations in the frigids zones: "The plants of the relatively infertileArctic tundra (lichens, mosses, grasses, cushion plants, and low shrubs) spring to life during the short summer season and remain dormant for the remaining ten months of the year."

How do climate zones change on a mountain how does this affect the types of organisms found on the mountain?

The organisms are not affected.