

What vegetables do wild rabbits eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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They eat all sorts of veggies . Butbe carefully with lettuce , too much Ettuce will give them diareha and a bad belly . Wet vegetables are a good nutrition in a wild rabbits diet , they also love apples and fresh fruit !

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Q: What vegetables do wild rabbits eat?
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Rabbits mainly eat their rabbit food and a lot of vegetables why?

It is very nutricious and in the wild they eat veggies.

What’s so wild bunny’s eat?

Contrary to popular belief, when it comes to what do wild rabbits eat, they aren’t in the farmer’s fields stealing vegetables and the like. In fact, the average wild rabbit won’t eat root vegetables at all.

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Ochre is not a food, it's a clay (or a colour). Rabbits don't eat clay or dirt. Wild rabbits eat grass and leaves. Pet rabbits eat hay, pellets, leafy green vegetables, and some non-leafy vegetables and fruit as a treat. See the related questions below for more info and links.

What is a wild Rabbits favorite food?

rabbits do not eat animals they only eat wild grasses, herbs, flowers, leaves, and twigs. they also consume some fruits, vegetables, and grains as they come across them, but these do not make up a large part of their diet. rabbits mostly eat lettuce, carrots and vegetables.

Can rabbits die from lettuce?

No, rabbits eat lots of vegetables.

What do rabbits consume?

In the wild they would eat grass, bark from trees, flowers and vegetables if they live near a farm. Pet rabbits eat all of these as well as fruit, rabbit food, hay, and even biscuits!

Can rabbits eat bok choy?

Yes, rabbits can eat every kind of vegetables, but not meat.

What do home rabbits eat bunnies?

Rabbits are herbivores and do not eat other rabbits! They only eat plant material, fruit, pellets, and vegetables.

How does a rabbit get food?

Wild rabbits eat any edible grass or plant material they can find during dawn and dusk (that is when they are most active). Domestic rabbits should eat rabbit pellets, hay, fruit, and vegetables.

What do cottentail rabbits eat?

Wild cottontail rabbits eat mostly grass and other edible plants, they will also eat seeds and occasional berries. They obtain water by waking early in the morning and sipping the dew off the grass they eat. Pet rabbits will eat 80% hay/pellets, 10% fruit, and 10% vegetables.

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they attend to like to eat vegetables