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Between the carpenter ant, fire ant, and odorous house ant, the carpenter ant lives the longest. Carpenter ants can live up to 7 years.

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Q: What worker ant lives the longest live carpenter ant fire ant or odorous house ant?
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How did the odorous house ant get its name?

its a house ant and is odorous

What insect looks like a skinny black bee with an earwig like claw on the bottom?

It IS a bee... a carpenter bee. They make nests in wood by chewing tunnels. If you see a lot of them, you should be concerned that they are nesting in your house or garage. The ones you will see most frequently are males, and they cannot sting. The females can sting, but almost never do. However, carpenter bees CAN bite.

How are Queen Drone and Worker bees different from each other?

The Queen is usually the only fertile female in a colony and is basically an egg laying machine. A drone is a male bee whose only purpose is to mate with a virgin queen, after which it dies. A worker bee is an infertile female bee and as its name implies, does all the work in the colony or hive from house-keeping, baby rearing, nectar gathering and honey production.

Should you be worried if you were bitten by a regular house spider in North Dakota?

It depends on what kind of house spider you were bitten by. If bitten by an American House Spider, it depends on if the bite contained venom. Symptoms may include swelling and itching around the area and may trigger antibody allergies in some individuals. Medical attention may not be needed unless there is a severe reaction. If bitten by a Daddy Long-Legs (Cellar Spider, Carpenter Spider), you may have a short lived burning sensation, but no other serious effects. Barn Funnel Weaver spiders rarely bite. If they do, it is painless. A bite by the Brown House Spider (cupboard spider, dark comb-footed spider) can cause blistering and malaise.

Give the differents kinds of ants?

There are over 12,000 species of ants. Some of the most common ones are in the US. They are the Argentine ants, the Odorous House Ants, and the Fire Ants. The carpenter ant, the Pavement ants, and the Pharaoh ants are other species.

Related questions

How did the odorous house ant get its name?

its a house ant and is odorous

How did odorous house ants get its name?

its a house ant and is odorous

How do odorous house ant get there name?

Well it is either the house that is odorous or the ant. I suspect it is the ant.

What eats odorous ants?

Odorous house ants are sometimes eaten by toads and birds. They are also parasitized by certain species of ant and wasp.

How many eggs do odorous house ants lay?

10000 in a week!

How many eggs does a female odorous house ant lay in a day?


How long can a worker carpenter ant survive in a sealed house where they can not get outside?

The ants could survive generations because Carpenter ants can chew through almost anything. Carpenter ants will also eat almost anything, including other ants. It would all depend.

When was David Carpenter House created?

David Carpenter House was created in 1851.

When was Andrew Carpenter House created?

Andrew Carpenter House was created in 1831.

When was Carpenter's Coffee House created?

Carpenter's Coffee House was created in 1762.

When was Willard Carpenter House created?

Willard Carpenter House was created in 1849.

When was Joseph Carpenter House created?

Joseph Carpenter House was created in 1913.