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The feather duster worm also known as the eudistylia worm has tentacles that look like feather dusters. The feather duster worm lives in marine environments.

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Q: What worm has feather-duster tentacles?
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How many tentacles does a bearded worm have?

Bearded worms are interesting creatures. These creatures have about 200 to 300 + tentacles depending on the species.

What is peanut worm's diet?

They swallow in sediment collect by their tentacles from their environment, sand and mud.

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Fifi the Featherduster .

This worm has feather duster tentacles?

Sea worms can have feather duster tentacles. They are in group annelida and are segmented worms. See also tube worms and Christmas tree worms.

What is a synonym for feather?

Plume. For specific types of feathers, there is down, quill, pinion, etc.

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Tall, muscular, with copper skin, long featherduster eyelashes and a scowl

What type of food does a fanworm eat?

Fan worms are filter feeders. Their frilly tentacles are lined with cilia, which beat continuously to move water over the tentacles. Mucus on the tentacles trap small particles from the water which are passed down to the mouth (located in the middle of the tentacles) and eaten. Exactly what they eat depends on the species of worm: larger worms can trap and eat larger particles than smaller species. The smallest worms can filter and eat particles the size of bacteria.

Where are giant tube worms found?

Microscopic organic matter and plankton are what tube worms eat. Fine hairs and tentacles ensure that the food sources move from outside to inside every tube worm.

Do bacterium have tentacles?

Bacteria do not have tentacles. Some have flagella, which are somewhat like very tiny tentacles.

What does feeding tentacles mean?

Feeding tentacles are tentacles (boneless muscular appendages) which are used to grab food.

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Do corals have tentacles?

yes they do have tentacles , surrounding their mouth.