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2mo ago

Hummingbirds have not been classified as endangered as a species as of now. However, some specific species of hummingbirds are threatened due to habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Conservation efforts are in place to help protect these species from further decline.

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10y ago

Not all hummingbird species are currently endangered; only 10% are currently endangered. Habitat loss is the main reason for some hummingbirds becoming endangered.

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15y ago

Chestnut Bellied Hummingbird Honduran Emerald Dusky Starfrontlet Colorful Puffleg Black Breasted Puffleg Sapphire Bellied Hummingbird Short Crested Coquette Juan Fernandez Firecrown

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12y ago

In the US hummingbirds are not endangered species. They are very common.

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12y ago

it is not endangered but some people still may hunt them illegally

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What types of hummingbirds are endangered?

What hummingbirds are endangered is a good question. And the answer is that the Ruby-Throughted hummingbird is an endangered hummingbird and there is a couple of different hummingbirds endangered. So check out more information at

Are hummingbirds endanger?

There are several endangered hummingbirds, mostly ones found on islands or in the Amazon.

When did the loggerhead become endangered?

they become endangered in 2099.

Is a hummingbird threatened?

No. They are widely spread and seen. Some types of hummingbirds live in smaller ranges but none are endangered.

Is a ruby throated humming bird endangered or extinct?

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are protected by the Migratory Bird Act.

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