The umbilical cord when dried should fall off within three to four days.
Goats usually butt over space, herds, food, girls, or pastime. the hoove part I don't understand???
AnswerDogs do have bellybuttons, but they aren't "innies" or "outies." Only a scar is present. The umbilical cord experiences avulsion during birth; it's not cut and tied like human babies' are.They do have belly buttons. My Boston terrier has a HUGE belly button!!!!! he doesn't have fur on his belly, where most dogs do have fur on there bellies. All dogs have belly buttons.
Horses are eutherians, or placental mammals. The foal develops for 11 months inside the mare and is supported by an umbilical cord attached to a placenta during this time. After the mare has foaled, the umbilical cord will break naturally as the foal gets to its feet, and a few weeks later, the tiny stub left on the foal's belly drops off. The horse's navel or belly button is not very noticeable, because of the horse's four-legged stance and the way that hair grows over it. But if your horse is quiet, you can look on its underside towards its rear and you will probably find it.
I have several goats, and they snort at the pear leaves, refuse it, BUT love the pears! we slice the pears in halves right off the pear tree and feed them.
They shouldn't fall off to begin with, so why are you asking?
Every time. Yes , then when it falls its gonna run away and never come back .
the cold weather may cause your belly button to retract and fall off.
Take it off.
you shave it off
have sore breasts on and off also hurts around my belly button?could this mean anything?
All humans have a belly button, which is formed when the umbilical chord is severed and tied off after childbirth.
not often
The belly button, or navel, is formed during the healing process after the umbilical cord is removed shortly after birth. The remaining scar tissue eventually forms into the shape of a belly button.
cats indeed have belly buttons and its so clear that you find a belly button on a cats belly but they are hard to see because of there fur and because they are tiny they are even smaller then are belly buttons so they a hard to see.