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You should always demand respect from your horse and especially during feeding time. A horse biting (at feeding time or anytime) is a sign of aggression and should be dealth with. In the wild, the horse would never bite at the lead mare. The lead mare tells them when and where they can eat. In short, your horse is saying they don't have much respect for you. Start by putting a halter and lead rope on your horse before you feed them so you can have some control. Put the hay or feed in their dish or regular eating place and using the halter, dont' let them eat for several minutes. You don't have to wait long, just a few minutes but show the horse that YOU decide when they can eat, not them. You showing your dominance at feeding time is very important in having a respectful relaltionship with your horse. If your horse freaks out when you don't let them have their feed right away then you definitely need to go back to the basics and teach that horse some basic ground manners. Gain some control by gaining some respect. There are many great trainers to get great advice from. As long as your horse is now violently aggressive, teaching ground manners is quite easy. There are numerous books and DVD's on the market that can help you. And training your horse can actually be a lot of fun!! A well mannered horse is so much more fun to be around. Check out this website: for training information and a great resource to buy lots of great horse books and training information Copy and paste the web address into your address bar or scroll further down this pag for a direct link.

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Q: When feeding a horse hay should you put it in the bowl fast so it doesn't bite you or should you put it in there slow?
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Why would my trusted horse just bite meit hurts?

You may have come across an uncomfortable or sore area and your horse is letting you know he's in pain, because you touched a sensitive spot. That, or if you were tightening the girth, he/she was getting girthy and snappy. That behaviour should be discouraged - once saddle fit has been checked. If it was over the door, if you hand feed your horse, this can lead a horse to developing the biting habit - they look for treats and bite you, mostly by accident, but this must also be discouraged, primarily by not hand-feeding your horse at any time. You'd need to give more information to find out if the bite was from bad manners, pain, or any other kind of reason. I was only standing beside her and she reached down a bit the ever living crap outta my leg.

Do Painted turtles bite humans?

no not realy but they can if you are feeding them from your hand. Also they don't bite like snapping turtle. HA HA inside joke

Do horse flies bite or inject?

the bite generally won't show at all or will only appear as a small spot of blood on your horse, however with blowfly and sandfly bites the bites will appear as a much larger lump which may need to be treated.

How do you treat an infected wound on a horse?

With respect. A horse is a thousand-pound creature that will still follow it's instincts if necessisary. It could easily hurt you. Of course, it doesn't. Horses are amazing creatures. You should feed them in a dish or feed bucket and not by hand because if you keep feeding them treats by hand they might think that you have a treat when you don't and bite you. The horse doesn't mean to bite you, they just think yuou have a treat.

What should i do after dog bite?

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What hamster will not bite?

a hamster that doesnt get bothered. just dont touch it at all and u should be fine :)

What happens during a horse fight?

About 99.9% of the time they'll kick,snort,and bite . that's about all. Even though it doesnt sound bad. A horse can get severely injured or even a fatality can wikigal101

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he doesnt bite her he injects his venom in to her with a needle.

Does a horse bite if she is pregnant?

the answer is yes, a horse does bite if she i pregnant, but all horses bight, it doesn't matter if she is pregnant or not, trust me on that, i have had my share of horse bites.

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no or the mom will try to bite you

How do you get your horse to lick your face?

This should not be taught to a horse at all. Horses can and will bite and if they are encouraged to lick someones face they could potentially hurt a human. Only professional horsemen who train for movies and the such should ever teach a horse to lick.

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they bite you and scratch you

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when it can bite people

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No, you should never walk in front of a horse. It may bite or rear up on top of you. You should stand to the left if you are leading him normally or stand to the right if you are leading him on a road. hope this was useful.

Will a hamster kill people if they bite?

lol no. just wash the bite so it doesnt become infected.

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Hamsters are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!