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Rabbits thump their back feet when they think there is danger. Key word is THINK. They are scared easily by other animals, or loud noises. Thumping technically is their way of warning fellow rabbits of something "dangerous" or a possible danger.

Rabbits also thump when they're frustrated (or possibly sexually excited, or a little angry). It should be obvious by the rabbit's body language which kind of thump it means. If the rabbit looks alert, eyes wide, body taught and tense, then it thinks there may be danger around; if it's hopping around and scratching at things or playing or humping, then it's frustrated.

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Q: When rabbits thump their back foot does that mean there's danger?
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Related questions

Do only boy rabbits thump?

No, all rabbits thump their back foot to give a warning and to show they are scared or mad. Females and males both thump their back foot.

What do rabbits thump?

all gerbils thump their feet to talk to one another and to warn others that is is their area. Yeah, all gerbils do, they do it when excited, threatened, annoyed or to warn other gerbils off or that there is a predator. My gerbils thump their feet when I go in to give them a toilet roll (they love them).

How do rabbits protect them self's?

They thump their back legs on the ground and grunt and squeal.

Do rabbits thump their back feet?

Sometimes its to alert others danger is coming.Like say you are a bunny,a wolf is coming.You stomp your feet then run of and hide.It makes sense.It tells them danger is coming or you will become a prey. They also do it when they are terrified.

How do rabbits worn each other about danger?

Rabbits will warn nearby rabbits of danger by thumping their back feet. They will do this when they feel threatened and scared or notice something unusual.

Frosty the Snowmans last words?

"thumpity thump thump thumpity thump thump look at that snowman go, thumpity thump thump thumpity thump thump over the hills of snow"

What does it mean when a rabbit thumps the groudnd with its back legs?

To warn other rabbits of danger.

How does rabbits protect itself?

They run and run and run. They tend to stay in corners and growl a little bit (yes they growl). If back into a corner they will thump and 'punch'. Sometimes they bite, depending on the size of the predator. Since Rabbits are prey animals by nature they run.

Do rabbits snort when they are scared?

Yes, they do, they squeak to communicate and also, it sounds horrible but when being hunted and killed they make an awful noise.Rabbits are mostly silent but they do make noises; and some rabbits are more "vocal" than others. Noises that rabbits can make include:tooth-purring (soft, gentle, rhythmic tooth-grinding): indicates pleasure, contentmenttooth grinding (loud, crunchy): indication of paingrunt/honk (a low, bass noise): indication of excitement, interest, happinessgrowl/bark (a loud sharp noise): expression of aggression (anger/fear)scream (blood-curdling): indication of sudden extreme pain or fear-of-death panicsqueak/snort (snuffly sound): indicates pleasure while grooming or eating (or could be a sign of sinus trouble -- see a rabbit-savvy vet if you're unsure)foot thump (loud and singular, not like Thumper's thump-thump-thump): indicates a warning of danger, or expression of frustration/angermating noises: you might hear the grunt/honk during courtship and the squeak/snort during intercourse (sometimes with an element of a weak scream to it)Rabbits can also be noisy by throwing their toys or dishes around, rattling cage bars, etc.

Can gerbils spot danger well?

Yes. They have good hearing, smell and sight. They would also be able to detect vibrations in the earth. To spread the word, they thump one of their back feet on the ground very quickly.

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What do female rabbits do when they are mad?

Female rabbits do the same thing when they're mad that male rabbits do. Some people say males are more aggressive, but females can be aggressive too for individual reasons. Some things rabbits do when they're mad include:Thumping: Rabbits might thump their feet to show their negative feelings -- annoyance, frustration, anger. This is different from the scared kind of thump; when they're angry, they might thump again and again as they jump around, acting agitated.Lunging: A sudden movement towards you with the head up, tail up and ears back is a very clear form of rabbit communication: an unmistakable threat. Interpretation: "I don't like that, back off!" The rabbit is threatening to attack you.Grunting, growling, snorting, hissing: Bunnies might grunt right before they lunge, or they might just growl once to say "that's enough!", or they might growl and run away from you, or do short grunts every now and again as they thump their feet. Bunnies grunt as a warning to stay away: it just means they want to be left alone. These kinds of noises communicate varied stages of anger, stress, or feeling threatened.Attacking: Biting and scratching -- it really hurts! Rabbits attacking each other can quickly do deadly damage to each other, so never let them fight!Running away, hidingSoft squeal or whimper: Mild annoyance or displeasure.