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the amygdala regulates perceptions and reactions to aggression and fear, therefore by electrically stimulating the amygdala, the cat will respond either aggressively or fearfully.

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Q: When the cat's amygdala is electrically stimulated the cat prepares to attack by hissing and arching its back?
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Where are a horse's withers?

The horse's withers are the top of its shoulders, where the neck joins the body. This is where the horse is measured (height is taken from the withers not the head) and also where the saddle sits.

What scientific knowledge do we have that proves Darwin's theory?

Every theory in science is provisional. We don't believe in theories, we merely accept them as the best explanations available, subject to refutation in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The evidence supporting Darwin's theory of evolution is enormous, and we have added substantially to the collection over the past 150 years since Darwin's publication of "On the Origin of Species." The fossil record details changes undergone by species since amphibians first crawled out of Devonian seas. These amphibians bore uncanny resemblance to sarcopterygian lungfish of the same era. Archeopteryx is a Jurassic fossil of a creature very much like a dinosaur, with numerous features of dinosaurs, but one key diagnostic feature of birds--it had feathered wings. We now know of dinosaurs that possessed feathers, which eliminated feathers as the primary diagnostic feature of birds. Taxonomy is another over arching principle highlighting evolutionary relationships between species. The fact we can create a nested hierarchy of life forms strongly suggests ancestral relationships between species. If we could NOT construct such a tree of life, this would be evidence species had been created independent of one another. In our own species, we have a variety of earlier ancestors and extinct "cousins." Peering more closely into our genome, we see enormous evidence of relationships, including shared broken gene sequences and endogenous retroviral insertions. These things should only hold true if common ancestry was the correct explanation.

Is a tiger stronger than a lion?

Both of these animals are powerful and fierce carnivores. But scientists say that in a fight between a Bengal tiger and an African lion, there is a 90% chance that the tiger will win.It is a well-known fact that tigers are the biggest cats in the world. Not only this, but tigers are noticeably more muscular, and better fighters. It is actually a myth that lions are better fighters than tigers, because tigers compete with each other for territory just as much as lions fight for a pride. Tigers also have experience fighting with many animals; Bengal tigers can easily kill large crocodiles, and Siberian tigers have been known to attack and kill adult male brown bears. Tigers have been noticed as better fighters because they are more swift, agile, feirce, and have better eye-coordination. They have a stronger jaw force and paw-swipe. However, it is not true that tigers have longer fangs than lions. The skulls of these two cats have been compared, and usually their canines are about the same.The term "King" comes from the fact that a lion's mane looks like a crown, and the fact that they rule a pride. A lion's mane actually does not offer much protection; it is just used to make the lion look bigger than it really is, like a cat arching it's back. And the difference between the two cats' lifestyles adds on to which is more intelligent: Living a solitary life results in the tiger being more cunning. The tiger also hunts larger prey than the lion. The largest prey that Lions hunt is the African buffalow, a species of African cattle. Tigers, however, are exelent at hunting guar, which is the largest type of cattle in the world. There are also differences in the way the two animals fight. Lions tend to stand on three legs, and use one paw to fight. Tigers normally balance on their hind legs and use both front paws to fight, giving them a huge advantage. Tigers also use "trickery", keep their heads back, and use well thought-out moves when fighting, while lions are known for blindly charging. Another important feature in how well the animals fight is the way their bodies are built. Lions are built more stiffly than tigers, and their bodies are more compact. Lions sometimes appear more muscular in the forelimbs, but tigers have more flexible muscles.The lion DOES have an advantage though: courage. Lions are braver, and less likely to back down from a fight. There have been reports of tigers submitting to lions when they meet in reserves, so they can avoid injury. But if the lion refuses to leave the tiger alone, than the tiger is probably going to end up victorious. Within the Bengal tiger scientists found a most disturbing ferocity. When it comes to the decision to fight, this cat attacks violently, most often winning in a fight against any lion.In the end, the tiger's agility and accuracy comes out on top. 80% of experts agree that the tiger is the dominate cat. But not only National Geographic reporters say so. There are many polls on the internet where people can vote on who theythink would win, and one can see that many more people bet on the tiger than the lion.SOURCES: National Geographic, Discovery Channel, PBS nature channel.

What is stronger - the lion or the tiger?

Lion anyday!Tigers are stronger than lions when they are heavier than them, but lions have stronger claws/teeth.This is the Big one. The question who would win in a fight between a lion and a tiger is one of life's great questions. The debate can get heated enough to end friendships.Here is the final answer.First of all for this fight we will use the Bengal Tiger, instead of the much larger Siberian Tiger, so we can give the poor Lion a chance. The fact is that the Lion still would have no shot. The Tiger is just a far superior animal. It is stronger and faster. It hunts bigger prey and doesn't need the help of something called a pride. Pride? The Lion should be ashamed.the tiger will win due to its size and energy plus it is a better hunterIf the lion and tiger fight, the tiger would usually or sometimes beat the lion. Tigers are slightly stronger, slightly bigger, slightly heavier, and have bigger bites. But this depends on the age, health, and experiences of the tiger and lion.No hard answer available, as both species come in several sizes. But as a big tiger can be bigger than a big lion I'd have to go with tigers as being stronger.A tiger would diffentlly win because they are more faster and way more stronger we even asked scientis they said a Bengal tiger and all the other tigers would when will mostly all of them.Chosen as best answer for lion vs tiger question:Both of these animals are powerful and fierce carnivores. But scientists say that in a fight between a Bengal tiger and an African lion, there is a 90% chance that the tiger will win.It is a well-known fact that tigers are the biggest cats in the world. Not only this, but tigers are noticeably more muscular, and better fighters. It is actually a myth that lions are better fighters than tigers, because tigers compete with each other for territory just as much as lions fight for a pride. Tigers have been noticed as better fighters because they are more swift, agile, feirce, and have better eye-coordination. They have a stronger jaw force and paw-swipe. However, it is not true that tigers have longer fangs than lions. The skulls of these two cats have been compared, and usually their canines are about the same.The term "King" comes from the fact that a lion's mane looks like a crown, and the fact that they rule a pride. A lion's mane actually does not offer much protection; it is just used to make the lion look bigger than it really is, like a cat arching it's back. And the difference between the two cats' lifestyles adds on to which is more intelligent: Living a solitary life results in the tiger being more cunning. There are also differences in the way the two animals fight. Lions tend to stand on three legs, and use one paw to fight. Tigers normally balance on their hind legs and use both front paws to fight, giving them a huge advantage. Tigers also use "trickery", keep their heads back, and use well thought-out moves when fighting, while lions are known for blindly charging. Another important feature in how well the animals fight is the way their bodies are built. Lions are built more stiffly than tigers, and their bodies are more compact. Lions sometimes appearmore muscular in the forelimbs, but tigers have more flexible muscles.The lion DOES have an advantage though: courage. Lions are braver, and less likely to back down from a fight. There have been reports of tigers submitting to lions when they meet in reserves, so they can avoid injury. But if the lion refuses to leave the tiger alone, than the tiger is probably going to end up victorious. Within the Bengal tiger scientists found a most disturbing ferocity. When it comes to the decision to fight, this cat attacks violently, most often winning in a fight against any lion.In the end, the tiger's agility and accuracy comes out on top. 80% of experts agree that the tiger is the dominate cat. But not only National Geographic reporters say so. There are many polls on the internet where people can vote on who theythink would win, and one can see that many more people bet on the tiger than the lion.That question was a problem since Romans.However archeologists never find out who won. The most comon thing is that people think tiger is the winner but somehow lion got this crown. There are some crazy people saying lion is king tiger god.That's funny , noone in the world know that title so how is this a title? It is just a imagination in someones head who thought tiger is the god.Lions not for nothing got a huge status in human imagination. Lions always fight to end and to make some films people need as much as 3-5 tigers vs 1 lion.To make the film called Big Cage they needed 4 Male Bengal tigers and they were beaten one after another. Tigers in that film were all beaten and director of Big Cage still didn't see tiger winning. He decided to cut out lion killing , defeating and dominating tigers and not only HE chased that lion into cage but said that it was A tigress who chased lion. This was the biggest lie in history.Lions have almost no chance to loose with a tiger .A famous tiger EXPERT Kailash Sankhala Story of the Indian tiger 1977 page 119 says a lion would beat a tiger. The tiger MIGHT have a chance to get out of this flair.Tigers because they live in deep jungles they are more flair and can swift out somehow and escape.lion wouldn't chase it, after 300 yards it will asume dominant posture.As tigers are hevier they are slower.In some fights tiger has only 2-4 hits or bites and they already get beaten. It'll took about 3-5 tigers to defeat a male lion.It IS not true that it is myth that lions are better fighters.Lions fight almost everyday for food.Territory fights are rare because tigers and lions territory can cover almost 130 kilometers squared.Now of cat experts and reporters will always appear lion as a king and champion fighter. Lions have 75-95% chance to dominate Bengal tiger.Tigers are stronger than lions when they are heavier than them, but lions have stronger claws/teeth.This is the Big one. The question who would win in a fight between a lion and a tiger is one of life's great questions. The debate can get heated enough to end friendships.Here is the final answer.First of all for this fight we will use the Bengal Tiger, instead of the much larger Siberian Tiger, so we can give the poor Lion a chance. The fact is that the Lion still would have no shot. The Tiger is just a far superior animal. It is stronger and faster. It hunts bigger prey and doesn't need the help of something called a pride. Pride? The Lion should be ashamed.the tiger will win due to its size and energy plus it is a better hunterIf the lion and tiger fight, the tiger would usually or sometimes beat the lion. Tigers are slightly stronger, slightly bigger, slightly heavier, and have bigger bites. But this depends on the age, health, and experiences of the tiger and lion.Both lions and tigers are extremely strong, but the tiger has a stockier, more powerful build giving a slight advantage for him over the lion.The question was, who is stronger not who will win.Reliable answer (See list of sources below). The lion DOES have an advantage though: courage. Lions are braver, and less likely to back down from a fight. There have been reports of tigers submitting to lions when they meet in reserves, so they can avoid injury. But if the lion refuses to leave the tiger alone, than the tiger is probably going to end up victorious. Within the Bengal tiger scientists found a most disturbing ferocity. When it comes to the decision to fight, this cat attacks violently, most often winning in a fight against any tiger. In the end, the tiger's agility and accuracy comes out on top. 80% of experts agree that the lion is the dominate cat. But not only National Geographic reporters say so. There are many polls on the internet where people can vote on who theythink would win, and one can see that many more people bet on the lion than the tiger. lion's limbs are larger but a lot is covered in mane. A tiger is actually weaker than a lion.A tiger is usually upto 50kg heavier than a lionlion i saw that on youtube lion vs tiger on animal planet

Is a guinea pig a good pet?

Guinea Pigs are an amazing pet! They are kind, sweet and oh so cuddly. I had one a couple of months ago, but unfortunately it died out of old age, and I was so sad. You can bond really well with them, just like a dog or a cat. Just without having to take them on long walks everyday!I just got a guinea pig a couple weeks ago & I agree, they are great to hold & play with don't require too much work & don't stink that bad if you keep their cage clean.Guinea Pigs are GREAT pets they are not a lot of money they are vary easy to take care of. I my self have had a skinny pig (a guinea pig with no hair). And I currently have a Guinea pig she is just turning one and i love them both very much. They smell fine if you keep there cage clean. If you are going out to get a guinea pig make sure you get it a few wood chews as for there teeth keep growing and if they don't eat some thing hard to keep there teeth the right size they can starve to death because there teeth are to long.guinea pigs are great pets for all ages! they bond well and are very friendly!Guinea pigs are in many ways ideal family pets!* Unlike dogs you don't have to walk them daily,and unlike dogs you can go out all day leaving them safely behind.* Unlike cats they do not destroy the local wild bird population.* Unlike hamsters, and some other small rodents they do not sleep all day.* Unlike rabbits they eat little, can be handled easily, and can even stay indoors.* Unlike snakes, and other reptiles they do not need extra heat and light.* Unlike birds they do not make incessant noise.* Unlike fish they can be handled and give affection.* Unlike horses they do not need regular veterinary attention or expensive upkeep.Yes, the domesticated guinea pig can make a great pet - low cost to buy, low cost of upkeep, not noisy, does not demand constant attention, yet are affectionate, cuddly, and can be bred easily.The pig filesLifespan 3 to 6 years typicallySize from about 8 inches to 14 inches longBreeding up to 5 times a year with litter of 2 to 4 or even more!Menu Guinea pigs are veggie!prepared guinea pig food from pet store supplemented with carrot, peas, most green leafs, though not lettuce as this is associated with colic in guinea pigs.Handling handle often for best reaction with childrenTypes dutch, coronet, texel, sheltie, agouti, rex, abyssinian, American crested, self blackDietA guinea pig can be a fussy little creature, expect likes and dislikes, and a bit like some of us, they don't like change!Staple guinea pig mix from your pet store is the basic diet, but even here beware! - best choose a guinea pig mix that prevents selective feeding, i.e. they choose those bits they like and leave the bits they don't. The consequences of this is that they may lack a balanced diet and can be prone to illnesses as a result!Next we come to fruit and veg - and here little often is better than too much which can cause diarrhoea. Guinea pigs need fresh fruit and veg, and are partial to green leafs.A Vitamin C supplement in their drinking water is recommended, but read the instructions so not to over-dose!Try beetroot (not pickled), carrot, broccoli, celery, cauliflower leafs, cabbage, but lettuce only very occasionally if at all, as it can cause colic.Offer orange, apple, grapes but not the whole fruit, cut or slice and make this a treat rather than constantly available.Special hang-up treats from pet stores are also good, and encourage the animal to climb up and use their rodent teeth.Another essential is a daily fresh supply of clean water.By all means try other things from time to time, ours like cold peas (cooked), and will even nibble small pieces of bread.Remember guinea pigs are veggie, so no meat or dairy products, and definitely no sweets or anything with sugar.Hay is essential and there should always be a supply of fresh grass hay in their home which should be replenished every time their cage is cleaned!NOW SOME DONT'Scabbage, iceburg lettuce, uncooked beans, geminating potatoes, pears, dairy products, and unshelled nuts.Maintenance/CleaningMaintenance is very important, but not difficult.Your guinea pig hutch will SMELL if not cleaned on a regular basis!The floor of the living quarters will need the following procedure carried out every two to three days for a single pig in residence, or almost daily if there are two or more!1. Take g-pig out of home and place where it cannot get back in until you are finished.2. remove all existing floor covering and discard hygenically, also old fruit and veg.3. spray the floor with a suitable antiseptic cleanser (your local pet store will sell these)4. wipe the floor with kitchen paper or a paper towel.5. place new bedding on the hutch or cage floor to a depth such that all the wood or plastic is covered, and possibly up to a depth of quarter to half inch.6. allow pet to return home, and reward with treat!Okay, so your guinea pig will not thank you for a bath, but you will probably want to bath him from time to time, say twice a year!A bathing regime is not difficult, and here are the key points.1. Fill a bath or basin to a level where he can paddle but not drown.2. Temperature should be lukewarm.3. Use a small pet shampoo as sold by pet stores.4. Avoid contact with the eyes (both you and the pet!)5. Keep him supported as he may try to jump out, and could injure himself if allowed to escape from the confines of the bath/sink.6. Wash gently, using your fingers, pressure is neither necessary nor comfortable.7. After a final rinse wrap your gp in a clean towel, and hand dry, avoiding drafts especially whilst wet.8. A hair drier can be used, but carefully, make sure not too hot, and shield the eyes.9. About twice a year should be about right.Vital statistics!body weight-adult male 900-1000 gramabout 2 lbbody weight-adult sow 700-900gram25-32 ozbirth weight 60-115gram2-4 ozbreeding life 18-20 months 4-5 litterssow fertility 4-5 weeksboar fertility 8-10 weekssow cycle length 15-17 daysgestation period 59-72 dayslitter interval 96 daysCommunicationsYou enjoyed the film Dr.Dolittle?Of course Guinea Pigs cannot really talk!- but they can COMMUNICATE! In their own way, they can "ask" for food, tell you if they are tired, want attention, even sometimes if they are ill!You watch and learn from your piggy friend, and you will be rewarded.rabbits RabbitsOften guinea pigs are housed with rabbits, especially at pet stores.It is a common practice, but the advice from most expert sources is - DON'T DO IT!If kept outdoors, they are often considered as company for each other, as the guinea pig can get warmth from the larger rabbit, but a rabbit has very powerful back legs which often does great harm to the more fragile guinea pig!Also, they are different species, and in general terms should not be kept together, their dietary requirements differ.Summer livingHot weather poses special problems for guinea pigs. As a general rule if we humans feel hot, then chances are so will our guinea pigs!Here are some quick-brief tips to help keep your pet happy in the summer.1. Always keep out of direct sunlight.2. Make sure they have a regular and fresh supply of water.3. If kept out of doors make sure cats or other animals cannot get in at them.4. Guinea pigs do not like drafts, so make sure they have shelter.And for those cold winter months, a quick tip is to provide plenty hay for your g-pig to keep warm in! (see also section on diet above)Living quartersSome ideas on guinea pig accommodation.hutch cagecage possible g-pig homesmany people make their own pet accommodation, and there is also the possibility for outdoor covered runs for use in warmer weather!What can go wrong!Guinea pigs are generally fine if well looked after, however look out for the following symptoms. Please note that this author is not qualified as a vet, therefore if you are worried about the health of your pet, seek medical advice from a qualified person without delay.1. DiarrhoeaThis might be a symptom of a serious ailment, and professional advice is advised.2. ConstipationMight be caused by lack of greens.Treat with plenty wet veg, or in severe cases, medicinal liquid paraffin. (seek medical advice)3. Bumble footSwelling in the foot and slight redness.It is not contagious but treatable with antibiotics.This is potentially a dangerous condition, so do not delay.4. WormsSeen as white streaks in their droppings usually comes from grazing on grass.This is a case for the vet however.5. Bladder StonesThe symptoms are obvious pain on urination, probably accompanied by unusual squeaking, and arching of the back.One reason for stones developing could be lack of fluid, and not enough acid in the diet.Check if your guinea pig drinks regularly, and offer celery, beetroot, apple, but not lettuce.6. LiceWhite in colour, very small, and crawl about on his fur.Treat with a suitable shampoo available on prescription.7. Eye problemssore, runny eyes sometimes occur particularly if the pig is kept in a draught.Treatment is usually by eye drops or ointment on prescription.8. Dental problemsWe were worried when our Bobby broke his two front incisors, and seemed to be having difficulty in coping with lettuce etc.However a guinea pig actually has 20 teeth, and will be merely inconvenienced whilst the front ones grow in again (which seemed to happen quite rapidly)Sometimes the front teeth need to be cut, but do not attempt this unless you know what you are doing!9. LamenessOften caused by lack of vitamin C (see section on diet above)Guinea pigs are not particularly hardy animals, falls must be avoided in particular, and they should never be left unattended if uncaged, for their own good!Treating your guinea pig yourself is an option if you are experienced and know what you are about, but advice from here must be always seek professional help if in doubt.books! guinea pig booksgender He or a she?The sexing of guinea pigs, particularly if young, may not be too straightforward. It may be more reliable to ask someone who knows, but you can make your own mind up!Pet store staff often do not offer advice on the sex of animals they sell, as they employ temporary and part-time staff who may not be trained in such matters.It is easier in adult guinea pigs, an examination of the genitalia holds the clue. The "triangular" area will reveal in the middle a "dot" or "button" in the male, which will not be present in the sow. Note however that both sexes have nipples.Male babies can impregnante their mothers as early as 24 days and must be separated therefore at 21 days!1. Ask an experienced person - someone who has knowledge of small mammals should be able to tell you, and should not charge much.2. Get a good book on guinea pigs (preferably by Peter Gurney) and follow the advice given there.It is often quite difficult with very young guinea pigs but they reach maturity in just a few months, and general advice is that males (boars) should NOT be kept together as they are more than likely to fight. Females (sows) can live together but generally only if introduced at about the same time, or as a mother and daughter combination.A behavior trait to watch out for in boars is a "stalking" motion usually accompanied by a sort of "purring". In this case he usually senses the presence of a sow, and will attempt to make contact.Enjoy your Guinea Pig!A guinea pig is for life, not just for Christmas!Buy one g-pig on its own only if you intend to make it very much one of the family, keep it in the house, and handle it, look after it well.If buying more than one, remember that they can be prolific breeders, so check the sex (many pet stores will not guarantee the sex of animals they sell!) and if you intend to breed them, do not expect to make money from this venture, as young guinea pigs have little financial value, and are (in the nicest possible way) common!They do make lovely pets and are ideal for families with children over the age of about five.