

Where can i buy a pet chipmunk?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Depends on the type. There are sugar gliders which are flying squirrels that you can purchase at the pet store. If you mean a grey or fox squirrel though that you see in the wild, you either have to find one outside or go online and see if anyone is breeding.

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12y ago

You can buy it at a pet shop or if any one is selling some. You can also trap one from the wild and keep it. if you find a baby with no mom at all you can take care of


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14y ago

you cant because i don't think there is such a thing!

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Q: Where can i buy a pet chipmunk?
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Well. you cant buy chipmunks but you CAN buy squirrels!!

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A Pet shop!

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Can you have a chipmunk as a pet in the United Kingdom?

yes because you can see products for them in your lochal pet stores

How can a pet chipmunk die?

A pet chipmunk can die of a lot of things. They can die by mostly the same way that most other animals die. I don't know. Do some research kid!

What animal eats a chipmunk?

elephants, monkies and my pet dog (but that's just him)

Can you own a chipmunk in Pennsylvania?

trust me you do NOT want to keep a chipmunk as a pet (unless it is Alvin and the chipmunks =D) one time i was petting a chipmunk and it bit me but i am really good with animals .

Can you have a chipmunk as a pet?

Yes you can. Pet shops sell them and many places sell items especially for pet chipmunks including Pets at Home. I believe they are a fairly common pet.

Are pet chipmunks agresive?

That would depend on the chipmunk, where it came from, and the owner. Chipmunks sold in petstores will rarely be tame, so would be more likely to be aggressive. If you buy a baby chipmunk and handle it often, it shouldn't bite unless threatened. They're hyper, curious, playful pets when properly taken care of. If you're going to get a chipmunk do some research first and, if possible, talk to some experienced chipmunk owners so you'll have a better idea of what to expect.

What time of the year should you buy a chipmunk?

in winter i guess

How do I catch a chipmunk that lives in my house and only comes out at night?

You can buy or rent a chipmunk trap that you fill with seeds, peanut butter, nuts, cheese and small berries. However, it's illegal to catch a wild animal. You should buy a tame chipmunk instead.

How can you tame a chipmunk?

This is illegal. It is illegal to keep a wild animal for a pet. It is illegal to keep a wild animals for a pet.