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dunno :) hope i helped! lol

i think it was the Galapagos Islands :)

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Q: Where did Darwin find long necked tortoises?
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How are long necked tortoises adapted to their envoirment?

so that they can survive and to reach the leaves on trees

How long can tortoises live on average?

Tortoises usually have a life span similar to human beings. It is however not unusual to find tortoises with lives exceeding one hundred and fifty years.

When was Eastern long-necked turtle created?

Eastern long-necked turtle was created in 1794.

Who is Lamarack?

Basically he came up with an evolution theory before Darwin...According to him acquired traits could be passed on. Let's look at an example: Take a girrafe...why do they have such long necks? According to Lamarack long time ago the trees started getting taller and so the girrafes had to stretch their necks to get to the leaves. This caused an extention in their necks. And the long necks were passed on by the parents to their offsprings...u gotta remember this is Lamarack theory (NOT TRUE)!! the evolution theory we believe in today is Darwin's. AFter Lamarack Darwin started studying evolution and figured out that the long necks evolved because of a variation in species and survival of the fittest. Basically according to him, long time ago their were short-necked girrafes and long-necked girrafes but as the trees started to grow taller only the long-necked were able to survive because they could get to the leaves..

What did Charles Darwin conclude based on the giant tortoises observed in the Galapagos Islands?

Darwin learned that there were different shaped backs of the tortoises, some had arc shaped or straight. The other thing the tortoises had is long or short necks. There were varieties of island and on every island there were different tortoises.

What type of dinosaur had a very long neck?

Long necked, herbivorous, quadrupedal dinosaurs were sauropods. Other long necked dinosaurs included ornithomimids or Therizinosaurs.

How long can a Long Necked Tortoise be out of water for?

10 hours

How do you spell the long-necked animal?


Is long-necked an adjective?

Yes, "long-necked" is an adjective used to describe something with a neck that is long in relation to its body.

What is the structural adaptation of the giraffe?

A long neck that enables it to reach fruit and leaves at the top of trees. This adaptation happened because the giraffes with the longer necks survived when the shorter necked giraffes couldn't. The shorter necked giraffes did not have enough food to eat, as it was all unreachable in the trees. Thus the longer necked giraffes who survived mated with other long necked giraffes and produced more long necked giraffes!

How long are Galapagos Tortoises Necks?

as long as a chode as long as a chode

What long necked animal starts with G?

The giraffe is a long necked animal. It is found in Africa.