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African elephants have larger ear flaps than the Indian elephant.

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Q: Where do elephants with bigger ears live?
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Which is bigger the African elephant or the Asian elephant?

African elephants have bigger ears than Indian elephants. Coincidentally, African elephants' ears resemble the continent of Africa, and Indian elephants' ears resemble the country of India.

Is the Asian or Asian elephant bigger?

It's the other way around. African elephants have bigger ears. The theory is that since elephants can't sweat, they use their ears - which are full of blood vessels close to the surface - to cool themselves down with. And as Africa is generally hotter than Asia, African elephants need bigger ears to keep from overheating. Also. African elephants generally live in the open, while Asian elephants spend more time in the woods. Bigger ears would get quite worn and torn if they kept brushing up against trees and branches all the time.

What is the difference in size and shape between Indian elephants and African elephants?

One difference is that African elephants have the bigger ears. They are also slightly bigger in size that Indian elephants. African elephants also have two "fingers" at the end of there trunk while Indian elephants only have one and African elephants are more grey while Idian elephants are more of a dusty colour.

What does the elephants look like?

Unlike Asian Elephants they have tusks and are much bigger.

Why do elephants have pointy ears?

Have you ever noticed how big an elephant's ears are? They're like giant flaps! Elephants' big floppy ears usually measure about 22 square feet in size. - Wow! Although you might think they use these giant ears for better hearing, elephants actually mostly use their big ears for cooling down when it's hot! Because elephants are so big and generally live in hot places like Africa or India, they need a little extra help when it comes to cooling off. Elephant ears are full of veins, the little passageways in the body that are responsible for moving blood around. By flapping their wet ears, the many veins in their ears are cooled, and so is the blood inside those veins! The cooled blood then travels all around the elephant, and can help lower the elephant's body temperature by as much as almost 10 degrees Fahrenheit! That might not sound like a lot, but when it comes to body temperature it's actually a pretty COOL amount!

Related questions

Why do African elephants have bigger ears than Asian ears?

It's the other way around. African elephants have bigger ears. The theory is that since elephants can't sweat, they use their ears - which are full of blood vessels close to the surface - to cool themselves down with. And as Africa is generally hotter than Asia, African elephants need bigger ears to keep from overheating. Also. African elephants generally live in the open, while Asian elephants spend more time in the woods. Bigger ears would get quite worn and torn if they kept brushing up against trees and branches all the time.

Do african elephants have bigger ears than asian elephants?


Which is bigger the African elephant or the Asian elephant?

African elephants have bigger ears than Indian elephants. Coincidentally, African elephants' ears resemble the continent of Africa, and Indian elephants' ears resemble the country of India.

The names of some animals whose ears are bigger than our ears?

Some animals whose ears are bigger than human ears are horses, elephants, and some larger breeds of dogs.

How tall are African elephants ears?

Bigger than your lil girl

Why do Savannah elephants have bigger ears than forest elephants?

They've adapted to the hot climate, and sun for years ,and their ears help keep them protected from the sun.

Is the Asian or Asian elephant bigger?

It's the other way around. African elephants have bigger ears. The theory is that since elephants can't sweat, they use their ears - which are full of blood vessels close to the surface - to cool themselves down with. And as Africa is generally hotter than Asia, African elephants need bigger ears to keep from overheating. Also. African elephants generally live in the open, while Asian elephants spend more time in the woods. Bigger ears would get quite worn and torn if they kept brushing up against trees and branches all the time.

Why does elephants have bigger ears than cats?

an elephant has biggest ears than a cat is because elephants are big animals but a cat is a small animal. And a cat can be used as pet at home but an elephant live in the forest or in the zoo , elephant can not be kept at home

Do Asian or African elephants have the smallest ears?

African elephants have larger ears because they live in a hotter climate and use their ears to cool them off.

African elephants are larger than Asian elephants true or false?

True! African Elephants have bigger trunks, tusks, ears and other cool things bigger than Asian elephants. It is quite neat!!

Which is bigger an African or a asain elephant?

There are three species of elephant, the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant . The biggest noticeable difference is that African elephants have much bigger ears than there Indian counterparts.

What is the difference in size and shape between Indian elephants and African elephants?

One difference is that African elephants have the bigger ears. They are also slightly bigger in size that Indian elephants. African elephants also have two "fingers" at the end of there trunk while Indian elephants only have one and African elephants are more grey while Idian elephants are more of a dusty colour.