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Ticks can live for long periods of time in bushes, as they can go a long time without feeding. When hiding in the bushes they can sense the heat of a nearby living animal and will jump pretty long distances to get to that animal, whether it be you or your dog. That is why it is best to keep a monthly Flea & Tick preventative such as Frontline or Advantix on your dog once a month, year around.

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Q: Where do ticks like to live before they inhabit dogs?
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What are ticks that look like blood bubbles that appear on dogs?

Sounds like you answered your own question......They're most likely ticks....

What is the most sneakiest animal?

like in dogs ticks, fleas and mites

What makes dogs to have ticks?

they get them from other animals or whatever else they come in contact or close contact with. ticks i believe are like fleas and can jump great distances to get to the dog so just from being outside or around other animals, they can get them.Dogs get ticks from many places the most common that I know/heard of areforestscamp sitesgrassother tick infested dogs/animals that are pets& wild animalsplaces like:grassy and weedy area's in the spring and summer ONLY have many tics

What is the habitat of dog ticks?

Dogs of course, but as long as they haven't moved to dogs they like forest, dense undergrowth and sandy areas, certainly if these are a bit humid.

Will adding apple cider vinegar acv to a dogs drinking water kill ticks and fleas?

To answer your question, ACV has been used in repelling & killing ticks. I spray our yard with it to repel ticks, as they do not like the taste or smell. I also use about 1 teaspoon daily in my dogs water & even put some on a wet cloth and wipe him with it before he heads out in the yard. It has done wonders for keeping them at bay although you get that one or two but they are not attached so I would say Yes it works

Do ticks get in hair?

No tics are found only on dogs, human hair has lice.

Do you have home remedies for getting rid of ticks on dogs?

There is a product on the market called a Tick Twister. This small tool is the easiest way to get rid of ticks on dogs. No home remedies have been proven to be effective at repelling ticks.

Do cats get fleas or ticks from grass?

It's possible for a cat to get fleas and ticks from grass just like it's possible for US to get fleas and ticks from grass

What can I plant in my yard to deter ticks?

I heard that ticks don't like Mint. It would be worth a try.

What temp do ticks like?

They like 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do dogs get worms-?

They could've eaten something bad, they could've not had their vaccines and was around other dogs or animals and their feces, or the dog could've gotten a parasite, like fleas or ticks.

Why do dogs shake after they throw up?

Because dogs are like people too! Dogs feels some sort of goosebumps before they throw up just like us humans.