

Where does algae live in the ocean?

Updated: 1/10/2024
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13y ago

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It is mostely found in the oceans surface waters; algae only grows where sunlight can provide energy for it. Most algae occur within the first 50 or so feet of water.

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Does green algae live in the ocean?

yes some do

Where do algae live?

In the ocean on top of the water or in low depth levels.

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Blue green algae like most plant life require photosynthesis to live. Which means they need light. There is no light in the depths of the ocean bottom. The more light and nutrients, the more algae.

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ocean fish eat...... THE REAL ANSWER Fish that live in the ocean eat seaweed, algae, or plankton.

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starfish, seaweed, corals, sponges, algae, sea-shells.

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Oysters clean the algae on the bottom of the rocks. SO do starfish.

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yes, some of them can like algae

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Fish would die. There are species of fish that live off the algae.

Is algae a consumer of the ocean?

yes I sw algae in ocean water. Algae grew on my ocean watered plants during a science expirement

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Some plants are coral, kelp, seaweed, and algae.

Does algae live in the arctic ocean?

No it doesn't most likely because of frigid (cold) temperatures.

Can brown algae live 175 meters deep in the ocean?

yes, actually 200 meters :P