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As with all fish, eggs and fry (in livebearing fish) come out of the vent. This is also where the solid waste comes out of.

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Q: Where does the newborn fish come out of a live bearing fish?
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What are some live bearing freshwater fish?

Rainbow Fish are live bearing fish.

Can you live the parent molly with newborn molly fish?

No , the parent will eat it.

What kind of creature is a guppy?

Guppy fish is a type of live-bearing fish, as they give birth to live fish after a certain gestation period. The guppy is one of the most popular aquarium fish, and as a live-bearing fish, for he is considered to be quite easy to take care of and has the shortest gestation period of all live-bearing fish.

Does the guppy take care of its eggs?

A guppy fish is a live bearing fish, but the female generally does not take care of her young, and will eat them.

How can you tell between a girl fish or boy fish?

The male fish has a Gonopodium Particular to the Live-bearing fish, the gonopodium is the pelvic fin of the male fish that have been converted into genital organs.

Is there a replacement product for fish feeders?

pellets or sticks. you could also start a guppy tank. live bearing fish that will explode in population

How long after a zebra danio fish gets pregnant will it give birth?

Zebra danios are not live-bearing fish, so they do not get pregnant. Instead, the female will lay eggs, and the male will fertilize them. The eggs will hatch about 2 days after being fertilized.

Do tropical goldfish have babies?

Goldfish are not a tropical fish. In addition, they are egg bearing rather than live birth.

If a Mickey Mouse platy has eggs will they be born live?

Platy's are live bearing fish and do not lay eggs, the young are born alive and free swimming.

Signs of molly fish about to give birth?

Common live-bearing fish birth symptoms are less appetite, male fish constantly following the female, and female being more stressed.

What kind of fish are live bearers?

guppy's are live bearers, unlike other fish guppy's lay eggs in there stomach but when they come out they are a normal fish not in a egg

Can live bearing fish be mixed in the same aquarium as egg layers?

Yes. Provided that the other fish are not large enough to eat them. Livebearers are often included in community aquaria.