

Where does transpiration take place?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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plant cells

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Q: Where does transpiration take place?
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Where transpiration take place?

plant cells

How does transpiration take place in leaf?

it goes in the toilet.

Through which structures does transpiration take place?

in the leaf.

Why are evaporation and transpiration often combined?

they are often combined because these processes take place due to heat of sun .transpiration takes place in plants and evaporation takes place in water bodies

Why does wilting of leaves take place in hot summer?

the wilting of leaves take place in hot summer days because of excess transpiration.the process of transpiration take place in stomata which is present in leaves of order to excess transpiration plants wilt their leaves

How does transpiration take place in temperate areas?

Transpiration easily takes place in temperate areas because water is plentiful and the temperature is moderate. Transpiration is tougher in tropical areas because of the high incidences of evaporation and lack of water sources.

How does rain take place?

Relief rainfall takes place when evaporation,transpiration and condensation takes place followed byprecipitation

Which part of the leaf enables transpiration to take place?

stomata facilitate transpiration and thick cuticle does not allow it to happen

Why transpiration does not takes place at night?

since photosynthesis does not take place at night, stomata is closed, thus, water evaporation will cease

Transpiration takes place in?


What do you call a process where the loss of water through the stomata of a leaf takes place?


What happen when tranpiration do not take place?

When transpiration does not take place, plants are not able to release excess water through their leaves. This can lead to an accumulation of water in the plant, potentially causing wilting, root damage, and even death. Additionally, transpiration plays a key role in plant cooling and nutrient uptake, so the lack of transpiration can disrupt these processes as well.