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bees and some other types of insects smell from their feet.

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In its antennae.

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Q: Where is a bee's sense of smell located?
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Where is an ants sense of smell located?

the ants sense of smell is located in the antenae

Why might a good sense of smell be useful for the survival of bees?

So they can smell out pollen and food.

How far can bees smell?

A bee's organ of smell is its antennae, and its sense of smell is many times more sensitive than that of a human.

Can all bees smell?

Yes, bees have a very good sense of smell, many times more sensitive than ours. Their scent detectors are on their antennae.

Where is a bees hearing sense located?

Bees have no sense of hearing but they are very sensitive to vibration which they feel through their feet and legs

Where is a bees hearing located?

Bees have no sense of hearing, but they are very sensitive to vibration through their feet and legs.

What are the nouns in the sentence Your sense of smell is located in the nose?

Sense, smell, and nose are nouns. Your is a possessive pronoun, acting as an adjective.

Where is a bee's sense of hearing located?

Bees have no sense of hearing but they are very sensitive to vibration which they feel through their feet and legs

What bird locates its prey by smell?

Generally, birds of prey do not have a keen sense of smell. The vulture is one that does, and located their prey by smell.

Where is the olefactory bulb located?

The olfactory bulb (for the sense of smell) is located in the limbic system of the brain.

How do bees sense sugar?

A bee's organ of smell is its antennae, and its sense of smell is many more times as sensitive as our own. It has taste receptors on its antenna, particlarly near the tips, on the mouthparts and within the mouth, and some on the legs. (Imagine being able to taste things with your legs!).Bees are attracted to flowers by the smell and the colours, and natural nectar has a smell from the flower from which it came. Pure refined sugar doesn't have a smell, and it is possible to put a feeder on top of a beehive containing pure sugar syrup and the bees won't know it is there. They will find it eventually because there are always bees walking around all surfaces of the hive provided the weather is warm enough.

Can honey bees be trained to detect explosives?

Yes. Bees can be trained to detect explosives because of their incredible sense of smell the can sense varieties of gases that even dogs can't get to. They are also easier to train than dogs are and work harder than them too.