

Which animal most intelligent?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Most scientists haven't found a way to measure the intelligence of some wild animals, who aren't trained to run mazes or anything else... but here are some of the animals that have been figured out:


  • Afghan Hound (most dogs are smart, but this is known to be the least intelligent as it is the slowest to pick up new ideas and make associations)
  • Worms
  • Goldfish (they only remember things for 3 seconds and have basic primal instincts)
  • Turkeys (which have been known to stare straight up into the sky when it is raining to get a drink and subsequently drown themselves)
  • Humans (we build inventions that kill each other)
  • Snails (As you can see, bugs aren't very smart, but an ant definitely is)


  • Wolves
  • Cats
  • Rats
  • Dolphins
  • Chimpanzees
  • Pigs
  • Elephants

Another viewpoint:

There is insufficient evidence to back the claim that goldfish remember things for only three seconds. It is unknown, also, how long invertebrates remember things. There is no real answer to this question.

Perhaps one would be best to consult Edward Thorndike's Animal Intelligence which he published in 1911. Thorndike conducted extensive tests to measure animal intelligence; but where this would fall flat would be that no-one has actually recorded measurable results on any test to measure animal "stupidity"...

And since "dumb" actually refers to the inability to speak, not lack of memory, one would have to conduct a study of which animals make no vocal sounds.

Another viewpoint:

Intelligence is relative, so no one person can find out who the dumbest animal is. Some people say it's humans, some say turkeys, some say goldfish. The only answer that matters on this controversial question is your own.

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9y ago
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14y ago

No one has ever figured it out.

I'm not able to answer that because I love animals and some can be trained that's why they're not really stupid. They just don't know what's happening around them.

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13y ago

We are the most intelligent animal on earth. We are so because back then, when we first came from apes, we hunted and ate lots and lots of fish, containing omega3.

Omega3 is a nutrient found in fish and is very good for your brain.

P.S. Chimpanzees are the smartest animals other than us.

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12y ago

the most intelligent animal in the world is primates because they think just like us humans, they are the only animals that know how to make and use their own tools. a gorilla named koko was able to learn over 1000 words in American sign language. so why not give them the title for being the most intelligent animal in the world.

You KNOW it can't be humans as we are the most rapacious.

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Vintage Vinny

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10y ago

The chimpanzee is the most intelligent animal on earth. However, there are many other animals that are considered very intelligent, for example the pig, the dolphin, and the parrot.

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11y ago

Sponges and the Trichoplax; they have no nervous system whatsoever.

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15y ago

Prions, or, depending on definition, PPLIs

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12y ago

the most intelligent animals are the dolphins.

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Keqing Main

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