

Which animals evolved from lungfish

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Which animals evolved from lungfish
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What is an animal that evolved from the lungfish?

Most evolutionary scientists today do not think that amphibians evolved from the lungfish. They do share some characteristics, but the lungfish has no hint of legs.

Why are lungfish important to the study of plate tectonics?

The distribution of lungfish fossils and their current living populations gave rise to the suggestion that the continents had drifted a lot during a short time. The theory that lungfish evolved while the Pangaea was intact was introduced.

What make fish good swimmers?

Fish are water animals that evolved about 500 million years ago. They were the first animals to have an internal skeleton. Most fish have scale-covered bodies with fins and a tail for swimming. They breathe using gills to absorb oxygen from the water, although a few, such as the lungfish, can survive in air. The four classes of fish - jawless fish, sharks, lungfish, and bony fish - have common characteristics, but are only distantly related. - -

What are the 4 types of lungfish?

The four types of lungfish are the south American lungfish, the African lungfish

What are examples of animals that live both on land in water?

Frogs, toads, salamanders, crocodiles, and lungfish.

How many lungs do lungfish have?

Lungfish have 2 lungs but the Australian lungfish has 1.

When was Lungfish - band - created?

Lungfish - band - was created in 1988.

1 animal that has been evolved?

Virtually all animals have "evolved".

What is unusual about the way lungfish breath?

Lungfish can breathe through air.

How old is the Australian lungfish?

usually 98 but the oldest Australian lungfish is 123

When was Spotted African Lungfish created?

Spotted African Lungfish was created in 1900.

When was Gilled African Lungfish created?

Gilled African Lungfish was created in 1844.