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California has the second highest sheep numbers in the US, with 680,000 sheep. This inforamtion is from an American Sheep Industry brochure titled United States Sheep Industry available online.

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15y ago

China has the largest sheep population in the world - 130 million sheep (Australia is second with 115 million). China's sheep are the fat tailed variety and are raised mainly for meat, but also for milk and other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. Generally the wool quality of these sheep is low, however there are some exceptions - 28k -

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11y ago

Australia is the continent with more sheep than people.

New Zealand is a country (not a continent) with more sheep than people.

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14y ago

Santa Fe, New Mexico has more sheep and cattle than people.

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10y ago

Both Australia and New Zealand have more sheep than people. There are actually about ten times as many sheep in Australia as there are people.

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New Zealand

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Q: Which country has twice as many sheep as people?
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If they are dairy sheep - they are usually milked twice a day.

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What country has three times as many sheep as people?

Australia has 120 million sheep and about 20 millions of population. New Zealand has 3 million people and 60 million sheep. There are about 36 million sheep in the UK and about 60 million people. Argentina has about 14 million sheep and a population of nearly 40 million. So your answer may be Argentina.

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There are hundreds of sheep killed each year for food. The exact number of sheep killed varies from country to country.

Are there really to many sheep in new zealand?

I wouldn't say there are too many sheep in New Zealand, but there are definitely quite a few. However, there used to be 10-20 sheep for every person in New Zealand (40 million sheep to 4 million people). Now, as the population of the country grows (it's now at nearly 4.5 million) and the number of sheep shrink, the number of sheep per person has decreased.

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There are not many people are killed in sheep related accidents every year. This number is less than one dozen.

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