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The termite is the insect that is also referred to as a white ant. Termites are pests that will eat through the foundation of a house.

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Q: Which insect is often called a white ant?
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Which insect is called an antisocial insect?

The insect that is called an anti-social insect is the ant. However, there are times when ants are referred to as social creatures.

What insect is often attracted to bitter root?

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What is the most common harvest ant?

The most common harvest ant is simply called the red harvester ant. This ant comes from the insect family called Pogonomyrmex.

What insect or animal lays small hardshelled white eggs which were found inside swimmingpool main powerswitch?

The insect that lays small, hard shelled white eggs is probably an ant that is black in color. This type of ant is commonly called a carpenter ant. Carpenter ants like to lay eggs away from the nest in warm, damp places.

Where are ant eggs fertilized?

In the middle part of the ant.

Which is correct as a sentence- An ant is an insect or The ant is an insect?

Both are correct sentences, but "The ant is an insect" is more specific as it refers to a particular ant. "An ant is an insect" is a general statement about ants as a group.

What is an insect that looks like a big ant but stings flies and has a white horizontal stripe?

its a hornet

What is an ant house called other than the ant mound?

An ant mound is often called an anthill. Pronounced ant-hill.

What is a three letter insect?


What insect is white and eats wood?

Quite a few. Termites and Pine Bark Beetles are two of them and are both considered to be serious pests.

Is an ant a carnivore?

Ants are herbivores. They eat sweet thing like watermelon and honeydew.