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Q: Which of the following reptiles evolved to stand upright and run?
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What can a test tube be held upright with?

It can be held upright with a test tube stand or a retort stand.

Do trout have upright erect posture?

No. Trout do not stand upright.

What did dinosaurs evolve from?

Dinosaurs evolved from more primitive reptiles, very much like lizards. The evolutionary step that made them so successful was putting their legs directly underneath their bodies so they could stand upright with the stability of bones rather that with the strength of muscles. This allowed them to put on more weight than would have been possible for a land-dwelling animal with limbs at its sides, as with the lizards and frogs.

Does a PlayStation 3 stand upright?

A vertical stand is available for the PS3

Why do humans stand up right?

Humans evolved hands that are pretty unique. Our hands can make and hold tools. Humans evolved the upright walking posture so that they could hold a tool like a club or spear and walk or run (or attack an animal) at the same time.

If you stand a PS3 upright does it burn the disc?

no it does not

What are animals that can stand upright called?

humans and other creatures that walk upright are called

Do muscles hold you upright?

They don't hold you upright, more like sideways...

Why plants leaves stand upright in the morning?

Because they can

What was homo erectus ability?

First hominid to stand upright.

What is a lectern stand?

A lectern is a sloping upright reading stand - they are used in Churches or for public speaking such as a debate.

How did Darwin's observations on the sharing of species suggest that species have evolved?

Darwin observed that primate like animals that looked vaguely like us, evolved over time to stand upright, evolve large brains, and advanced vocalization through saying how if an early primate had these adaptions, would look much like we all do today.