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The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of the sub-species of tigers. Males only weigh around 300 pounds.

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Q: Which of the tiger sub-species is the smallest?
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Which subspecies of tiger is the biggest in physical size?

The Amur Tiger, also known as the Siberian Tiger, is the largest of the subspecies of tigers.

How many types of tigers are there in the world and what are their names and where do they reside?

SIX TYPES OF TIGERS:There are currently 6 subspecies of tigers. The different subspecies are found in areas of Asia, India and Russia. The largest subspecies is found in snowy areas of Russia. The smallest and darkest subspecies is found farther south, in the jungles of Indonesia. Tigresses (females) are always smaller than males.SIBERIAN OR AMUR TIGER - the largest of the tiger subspecies, males can be as long as a station wagon. These tigers also have the palest orange coat and the fewest stripes. This species of tiger can be fond anywhere from Western and Central Asia to eastern Russia.BENGAL OR INDIAN TIGER - This most common subspecies of tiger is as its name suggest found mainly on the Indian subcontinent.INDOCHINESE TIGER - These tigers are about 20% smaller and are darker than Bengal tigers. This subspecies can currently be found in Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam.MALAYAN TIGER - This subspecies was proved to be a "true subspecies", living in Thailand and Malaysia in 2004. A group from the U.S. National Cancer Institute, the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, studied the tiger and discovered the new classification. The Malayan tiger is one of the smallest subspecies of tigers, along with the Sumatran tiger. Again as its name suggests, the Malayan tiger resides in the Malay Peninsula.SOUTH CHINA TIGER - These tigers are slightly smaller than the Indochinese subspecies. In the 1950s the Chinese government ordered that these tigers be destroyed because they were viewed as pests. Today, there are less than 30 South China tigers left in the wild. Thankfully, the Chinese have taken steps toward a plan to protect the remaining South China tigers. The few remaining wild tigers live in southern China.SUMATRAN TIGER - Even though the Sumatran is one of the smallest tiger subspecies, it still is a pretty big cat and is the length of a school cafeteria table! The remaining tigers of this subspecies, about three hundred live on the small island of Sumatra.Extinct Tigers:Three of the nine subspecies are now extinct. The Bali tiger met its demise in the 1940s, the Caspian in the 1970s and the Javan in the 1980s.There were originally nine subspecies of tiger, the Javan, the Bali, the Caspian, the Indochinese, the Sumatran, the Bengal, the Siberian, the South China tiger, and the Malayan Tiger subspecies. With the now three extinct species, this leaves just six subspecies living today, and currently one of those, the South China Tiger is considered by some to possibly already be extinct in the wild.For more information visit

Number of species of tiger in the world today?

There is but one tiger species, but six recognized subspecies.

What are the nine subspecies of tiger?

The nine Subspecies of tiger are:The Bengal tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris), also known as the Royal Bengal tigerThe Indochinese tiger (Panthera Tigris corbetti), also known as Corbett's tigerThe Malayan tiger (Panthera Tigris malayensis)The Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris sumatrae)The Siberian tiger (Panthera Tigris altaica), also known as the Amur, Manchurian or North China tigerThe South China tiger (Panthera Tigris amoyensis), also known as the Amoy or Xiamen tigerThe Balinese tiger (Panthera Tigris balica) - EXTINCTThe Javan tiger (Panthera Tigris sondaica) - EXTINCTThe Caspian tiger (Panthera Tigris virgata), also known as Persian tiger - EXTINCT

Which is stronger between a Siberian tiger and a Bengal tiger?

It has been confirmed that the Siberian Tiger, the largest subspecies of the tiger is much stronger than a Bengal tiger. Actual studies have shown that there is no appreciative difference in the strength of these cats.

Related questions

Is the balinese tiger extinct?

The Bali tiger, smallest of all tiger subspecies, has been extinct for decades.

Is the Bali Tiger still alive?

No. This smallest of tiger subspecies has been extinct for several decades.

Is a Sumatran tiger strong?

Yes. Although the smallest tiger subspecies, they are immensly powerful, able to kill animals as big as buffalo.

What is the smallest tiger?

The Sumatran tiger is the smallest subspecies of tiger. Males range in size from 100 to 140 kg (220 to 310 lbs) and females range in size from 75 to 110 kgs (170 lbs to 240 lbs.)

What does a Bail tiger look like?

It has stripes and looks like an ordinary tiger. Now extinct, the Bali tiger was the smallest subspecies, males around only 250 pounds.

What is the most popular breed of tiger?

The world's most beautiful tiger is at the same time the smallest: the Sumatran tiger

What does the balinese tiger look like?

The Bali tiger was the smallest tiger subspecies, males averaged around 270 to 300 pounds. The stripes were closer together than other tigers, and the ruff of fur around the neck was nearly absent. It was also the darkest subspecies. Been extinct for decades.

Which subspecies of tiger is the biggest in physical size?

The Amur Tiger, also known as the Siberian Tiger, is the largest of the subspecies of tigers.

Who is smaller Siberian tigers or sumatran tigers?

The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of the 5 tiger subspecies, with males weighing between 100 and 140 kg. The Siberian tiger is the largest, averaging 227 kg for males.

How many types of tigers are there in the world and what are their names and where do they reside?

SIX TYPES OF TIGERS:There are currently 6 subspecies of tigers. The different subspecies are found in areas of Asia, India and Russia. The largest subspecies is found in snowy areas of Russia. The smallest and darkest subspecies is found farther south, in the jungles of Indonesia. Tigresses (females) are always smaller than males.SIBERIAN OR AMUR TIGER - the largest of the tiger subspecies, males can be as long as a station wagon. These tigers also have the palest orange coat and the fewest stripes. This species of tiger can be fond anywhere from Western and Central Asia to eastern Russia.BENGAL OR INDIAN TIGER - This most common subspecies of tiger is as its name suggest found mainly on the Indian subcontinent.INDOCHINESE TIGER - These tigers are about 20% smaller and are darker than Bengal tigers. This subspecies can currently be found in Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam.MALAYAN TIGER - This subspecies was proved to be a "true subspecies", living in Thailand and Malaysia in 2004. A group from the U.S. National Cancer Institute, the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, studied the tiger and discovered the new classification. The Malayan tiger is one of the smallest subspecies of tigers, along with the Sumatran tiger. Again as its name suggests, the Malayan tiger resides in the Malay Peninsula.SOUTH CHINA TIGER - These tigers are slightly smaller than the Indochinese subspecies. In the 1950s the Chinese government ordered that these tigers be destroyed because they were viewed as pests. Today, there are less than 30 South China tigers left in the wild. Thankfully, the Chinese have taken steps toward a plan to protect the remaining South China tigers. The few remaining wild tigers live in southern China.SUMATRAN TIGER - Even though the Sumatran is one of the smallest tiger subspecies, it still is a pretty big cat and is the length of a school cafeteria table! The remaining tigers of this subspecies, about three hundred live on the small island of Sumatra.Extinct Tigers:Three of the nine subspecies are now extinct. The Bali tiger met its demise in the 1940s, the Caspian in the 1970s and the Javan in the 1980s.There were originally nine subspecies of tiger, the Javan, the Bali, the Caspian, the Indochinese, the Sumatran, the Bengal, the Siberian, the South China tiger, and the Malayan Tiger subspecies. With the now three extinct species, this leaves just six subspecies living today, and currently one of those, the South China Tiger is considered by some to possibly already be extinct in the wild.For more information visit

Where do samtran tiger live?

The Sumatran Tiger lives exclusively in the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is the smallest of all Tiger subspecies. Approximately 400 to 500 individuals only are left in the wild. Poaching and habitat loss has significantly reduced tiger populations in Sumatra.

Is a tiger the same as a Siberian tiger?

A Siberian tiger is a subspecies of the tiger, one of several.