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Q: Which of these is a natural response that animals use in certain situations?
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Is crying unnatural?

No, crying is a natural human response to certain emotions or situations. It serves as a way to release built-up emotions and can provide a sense of relief. Crying can be a healthy and normal expression of emotions.

How are animals a natural wealth?

Animals are natural wealth in many ways... * Certain animals give milk to us. *Certain animal's meat consumes by many people. *The fur of certain animals are used for making blankets etc. *In ayurvedic division of medicine, certain medicinal formulae are made out of various part of certain animals. * Certain animals are used for transportation purposes. * Certain animals are the best friends of human being. * Animals like camel are the best source of wealth in regions like deserts. *

Problems with the theory of survival of the fittest?

It can only explain certain situations. And it's just one of the aspects of natural selection.

Why do dinosaurs get scared?

Fear is a natural response found in all higher-level animals that keeps them away from danger.

What is difference between natural response and transient response?

They are the same thing. The transient response is also known as the natural response.

How animals adopt their environment?

Certain animals adapt to certain environment by certain beneficial and natural traits or features in them and thus the environment gradually becomes its natural habitat. This particular features are in much excess in Homo Sapiens than other organisms and so it is probably believed that by virtue of these features they have overcame the adverse situations perpetrated from the changing weather and climatic conditions. This can be best understood if you read the " The Evolution Of Species" which is a famous book written by an environmentalist, Charles Darwin by framing the experiences of his travel in his ship DMS Beagle.

What is a good definition of natural environment?

Natural environment is how an are is without human intervention. This includes the type of plants and animals that are native to a certain environment.

In most natural situations predator and prey relations what?

It means, In most natural situations are predator and prey relations.

Why do animals have reflexes?

Animals have natural capabilities to respond quickly to hard situations. But some other animals such as the sloth have very slow reaction capabilities.

Do silk and wool have any similarities?

You can blend silk with wool when spinning yarn, without reaction.

Why do animals kill from global warming?

Global warming may change local climate and natural balance in some parts of the earth. Some animals can not survive the change in their environment. Animals will not kill as a response to global warming. Animals kills for food or territorial reasons.

Animals in zoos good or bad?

In a certain way it is good because they protect animals that are endangered, and they also breed endangered animals so that there are more of those animals in the world. And its fun to look at animals that you would have to go far away to see in their natural habitat.