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Q: Which of these organisms is a vertebrate tulip fungus slug horse?
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What is Indiana's state reptile?

Indiana does not have a state reptile. The state bird is the cardinal, the state flower is the peony, and the state tree is the tulip tree.

How do vorticella move?

The Vorticella move by their cilia. Cilia are tiny hair-like things that, on this protist, line the oral groove. The Vorticella also have stalks that attach them to plant matter, and inside that stalk is a contractile fiber called a myoneme. When feeling threatened, the Vorticella contracts its single myoneme, which coils the stalk like a spring. After a few seconds, the stalk should uncoil, and might go back into a spring shape if it still feels threatened. Im sorry, both of you are partly wrong. If you look it up, the Vorticella is placed into the phylum Ciliophora, because it has cilia. If it had a flagella, it would have been placed into the phylum Mastigophora. If it had pseudopods, it would have been placed in the phylum Sarcodina. But, the Vorticella IS attached to a plant (well, plant matter).Trust me on this, I know. I am thirteen years old (well, will be in 13 days). I am a seventh grader learning all about the different protists. I am doing a project on the Vorticella, and I do have a few worksheets in front of me that tell all about the different protists, including the Vorticella. There are about 16 different kinds of Vorticella, but they all have cilia and stalks, and that's how they move.More information about the Vorticella is that it measures to about 100 microns (micrometers), which is one-tenth of a millimeter. It is shaped like a long-stemmed tulip, and when the myoneme contracts, the stalk looks like a spring, and the body with the vacuoles and the nucleus turns into a circular shape, until the stalk uncoils, and the main body reforms its shape, then it is back to looking like a tulip.-Crsscntrygrl6245 C:

What vegetables are guinea pigs allowed to eat?

You feed a guinea pig;Cauliflower leaves (but not the white 'flower'), broccoli florets,purple sprouting broccoli, green or black cabbage, kale, chicory,carrots,parsnips,sweetcorn,raw beetroot,celery,cucumber,parsley,spring greens,basil and spinach.Good wild plants:golden rod,cleavers,yarrow,dandelion (given sparingly as dandelion is diuretic,mallow and Sheppards purse.Bad foods/plantspotato,rhubarb,tomato leaves,daffodil,tulip,lily of the valley and lettuce.IMPORTANT INFORMATION: I DO FEED MY GUINEA PIGS LETTUCE AND THEY ARE FINE ALSO ALL THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS FROM A BOOK THAT I HAVE BOUGHT.carrots, celery, cucumber, sprout tops, cabbage and they also love parsley and bananas with skin.Guinea pigs are usually very willing to try out new things. They need a lot of vitamin C and unlike some rodents can handle tangerines and oranges. Mine were crazy for carrots, green peppers, broccoli, apples, and green beans.They can't eat potatoes! Potatoes are toxic to guinea pigs.As a high school teacher, I vicariously have been raising a cavy who is a recent acquisition of one of my students. Having once been her age (18) I recall my love for all animals, but my lack of insight and knoweldge in how to properly care for them.. I have been bringing in veggies and fruits for her cavy to try; she then takes them home and reports back the next day. Thus far, romaine lettuce, oranges without seeds or rinds, seedless red grapes , gala apple wedges, all in moderation have been hits. She had one cavy prior to this one who loved red grapes. Her new cavy hates them and does not like romaine. There seem to be definite "Do Not Feed" items i.e., green beans, iceberg lettuce, any seeds or nuts of any kind...Mine loves carrots, broccoli, bannana and cabbage !!!mine loves apples, carrots, green beans, and oranges, but they can't have onions. Extremely poisonous!!!They like things with vitamin C, and they just love carrots and kale! But they may turn their noses at things like baby tomatoes. Here is a list of what they should eat that are vegetables:Bell PeppersBroccoliKaleCarrotLettuce (Preferably Romaine)Celery (Chop up)Corn leavesCarrots are number one i only recommend you dont give them letice or cabage because itwill give most guinea pigs upset tummys and their poop will not be normal at all.We frequently pet-sit for my friend who has a guinea pig. Ruby loves romaine lettuce (she'll nibble the leaves and leave the center core of each leaf which is tougher). She also loves: strawberry tops, yes, the green part to nibble around the pit of a peach, plum etc. celery carrots iceberg lettuceThey can eat any vegetable, they also like fruits.well all i know is: carrots, lettuce but it HAS to be green lettuce or red lettuce NO ICEBERG, cucumbers, , green peppers THEY CANT BE SPICY!!!! celery, broccoli, and parsley for fruit they can have bananas, apples, oranges, pears, SEEDLESS MUST BE SEEDLESS grapes BUT MAKE SURE TO AVOID THE BANANA AND GRAPES VERY OFTEN THEY WILL GIVE THEM DIARRHEA! they are very great pets!In addition to vegetables, guinea pigs require constant access to a specific type of hay called timothy. Timothy provides nutrients that are important to a piggy's diet as well as the rough texture needed to keep their teeth in good condition. Be careful when buying commercially-prepared foods; some less-expensive brands dilute timothy with alfalfa but the latter isn't nutritionally suitable.

If there is an emergency and can't feed your guinea pig how long can they survive.?

!IN AN EMERGENCY GUINEA PIGS CAN EAT GRASS FROM YOUR LAWN! As long as you don't use any chemicals or fertilizer on your grass, this would be deadly for them to eat.A guinea pig can eat its own feces, poop. It is not bad for them to eat it on occasion, but it is not recommended to reuse their feces (poop) as a food supply.Grass that you pick or grab from your lawn actually has lots of nutrients according to a website dedicated to guinea pigs, and rabbits. I don't know how long, but if they are in the wild they eat non stop. My guess is they would get ill within a day.I am sorry, but I lost the reference to this information below. If anyone recognizes the article, please feel free to edit it for me, thanks. I never expected to show it to others, it was for my own use at home.DietA silver agouti guinea pig eating grass. Grass is the guinea pig's natural diet. Their molars are particularly suited for grinding plant matter, and grow continuously throughout the animal's life.[71] Most grass-eating mammals are quite large and have a long digestive tract; while guinea pigs have much longer colons than most rodents, they must also supplement their diet by coprophagy, the eating of their own feces.[72] However, they do not consume all their feces indiscriminately, but produce special soft pellets, called cecotropes, which recycle B vitamins, fiber, and bacteria required for proper digestion.[73] The cecotropes (or caecal pellets) are eaten directly from the anus, unless the guinea pig is pregnant or obese.[46] They share this behaviour with rabbits. In older boars (the condition is rarer in young ones), the muscles which allow the softer pellets to be expelled from the anus for consumption can become weak. This creates a condition known as anal impaction, which prevents the boar from redigesting cecotropes, though harder pellets may pass through the impacted mass.[74] The condition may be temporarily alleviated by carefully expelling the impacted feces.Guinea pigs benefit from feeding on fresh grass hay, such as timothy hay, in addition to food pellets which are often based from timothy. Alfalfa is also a popular food choice; most guinea pigs will eat large amounts of alfalfa when offered it,[75] though there exists some controversy over the feeding of alfalfa to adult guinea pigs. Some pet owners and veterinaryorganizations have advised that, as a legume rather than a grass hay, alfalfa consumed in large amounts may lead to obesity, as well as bladder stones due to excess calcium, in any but pregnant and very young guinea pigs.[76][77] However, published scientific sources mention alfalfa as a source for replenishment of protein, amino acids and fiber.[78][79]Like humans, but unlike most other mammals, guinea pigs cannot synthesize their own vitamin C and must obtain this vital nutrient from food. If guinea pigs do not ingest enough vitamin C, they can suffer from potentially fatal scurvy. Guinea pigs require about 10 mg (0.15 gr) of vitamin C daily (20 mg (0.31 gr) if pregnant), which can be obtained through fresh, raw fruits and vegetables (such as apple, cabbage, carrot, celery, and spinach) or through dietary supplements.[80] Healthy diets for guinea pigs require a complex balance of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and hydrogen ions; adequate amounts of vitamins E, A, and D are also necessary.[81] Imbalanced diets have been associated with muscular dystrophy, metastatic calcification, difficulties with pregnancy, vitamin deficiencies, and teeth problems.[82] Guinea pigs tend to be fickle eaters when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables, having learned early in life what is and is not appropriate to consume, and their habits are difficult to change after maturity.[83] They do not respond well to sudden changes in diet; they may stop eating and starve rather than accepting new food types.[52] A constant supply of hay or other food is generally recommended, as guinea pigs feed continuously and may develop habits such as chewing on their own hair if food is not present.[84] Because guinea pigs' teeth grow constantly, they routinely gnaw, lest their teeth become too large for their mouth, a common problem in rodents.[38] Guinea pigs will also chew on cloth, paper, plastic, and rubber.A number of plants are poisonous to guinea pigs, including bracken, bryony, buttercup, charlock, deadly nightshade, foxglove, hellebore, hemlock, lily of the valley, mayweed, monkshood, privet, ragwort, rhubarb, speedwell, toadflax and wild celery.[85] Additionally, any plant which grows from a bulb (e.g., tulip and onion) is normally considered poisonous.[85]

Can rabbits eat sweetgum?

here is a list of items that you should avoid, as they can make your rabbit sick: * Acorns * Almonds * Apple Seeds * Apricot Pits * Asparagus Fern * Azalea * Bleeding Heart * Carnations * Cherry Pits * Clematis * Creeping Charlie * Daffodil Bulbs * Daisy * Eucalyptus * Gladiola * Hyacinth Bulbs * Iceberg Lettuce * Iris * Ivy * Jack-in-the-Pulpit * Jonquil * Lily of the Valley * Milkweed * mistletoe * Mustard's * Nutmeg * Oak * Peach Pits * Pear Seeds * Peony * Philodendron * Plum Pits * Poinsettia * Rhododendron * Rhubarb Leaves * Skunk Cabbage * Tomato Leaves * Tulip Bulbs Iceberg lettuce is on the list because it has no nutritional value for your rabbit. Rabbits will eat a lot of it. By doing so they will fill up on something that adds no nutritional value. Can cause gas or are very sugary: do not feed Green beans White and red potatoes Beets Fresh corn Fresh peas Dangerous, contain compounds that destroy nutrients: do not feed Sweet potato Cassava Bamboo shoots Maize Lima beans Millet Bracken fern Tea leaves Coffee plants Dangerous, contain toxins: do not feed Rhubarb leaves Raw lima, kidney or soy beans Onions Citrus peels Can cause impaction Whole seeds Nuts Grains Dried corn Dried peas Things to watch out for Carrots and root vegetables are high in sugar and may cause cecal problems or gas in some rabbits. Celery and rhubarb stalks contain strings that should be removed before feeding. Alternatively, cut the stalks into small pieces. Iceberg lettuce has a reputation for causing diarrhea in many animal species. I do not recommend iceberg be fed to bunnies. However, many people have reported feeding this to bunnies without a problem. This is a suggested ok list for bunny's Select at least three kinds of vegetables daily. A variety is necessary in order to obtain the necessary nutrients, with one each day that contains Vitamin A, indicated by an *. Add one vegetable to the diet at a time. Eliminate if it causes soft stools or diarrhea.