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Q: Which other big cat is bred with a tiger to make the tigon?
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What is a tigon?

The cross between a Tiger and a Lion. I think it is technically a Tiger (male) and a Lionness (female) that make that subspecies, though I may be thinking of a Liger. The Liger is a cross-breed between a MALE lion & a FEMALE tiger.

Can lions make new species?

Lions may be bred with Tigers to make two different species, although those species are rarely able to reproduce, although there have been some cases. A male lion and a female tiger will produce the hybrid animal - Liger. A male tiger and a female lion will produce the hybrid animal - Tigon.

What animals can be cross bred?

The lion and tiger to make the liger. The donkey and horse to make the mule.

What is fusion mixture?

Fusion mixture is used to fuse thing like a tiger and a lion to form a tigon or liger, something like that, another example is the alarm clock, fusion mixture is used to make that out of a wall clock and a bell..

Why is white tigers and bengal tigers are friends?

The white tiger is, at least originally, a Bengal tiger color morph. White tigers occur very rarely in Bengal tiger litters, and are sometimes bred with Siberian tigers to make white Bengal/Siberian hybrids.

How do you make a pure breed dog?

A labradoodle is not a pure bred because it is a mixed breed. If you want a "pure bred" labradoodle, make sure its parents are a poodle and a labrador.

What horses were crossed to make the gelderland?

The Gelderland is a pure bred horse and was not created by crossing any other breeds. The Gelderland was cross bred with the Groningen were crossed to make the Royal Dutch Harness horse.

What animals are bred to make a bear?

A bear can only be the result of a breeding between two bears. There is no other way to make a bear.

In Zoo tycoon 2 is there a hack for making hybrids?

Sort of. You can make lions and tigers have a liger/tigon.

Can a lion fall be attracted with a tiger and will they be able to make a baby together?

Well, I doubt that they fall in love. But their animal instincts can take over and sterile offspring can result. The Liger or the Tiglon. so the answer to your question is; Yes. A mating between a male lion and a female tiger (tigress) produces a liger and a mating between a male tiger and a female lion (lioness) produces a tiglon.

What has tiger woods done to make him apologize?

He had affairs with at least 18 other women.

What are the adaptations of the tiger lily flower?

The tiger lily flower has many adaptations just like any other plant. It is able to make its own food.