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Q: Which song has the lyrics higher than Saturn higher than Pluto Higher than Mars?
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Related questions

What is lighter Pluto or Saturn?

Saturn is lighter than Pluto. Saturn is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with a density lower than water. Pluto, on the other hand, is a rocky dwarf planet with a higher density compared to Saturn.

Put these into order of size Pluto Jupiter earth Saturn?

Smallest to largest - Pluto, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter.

Why do you weigh more on earth then on Pluto?

You weigh more on Earth than on Pluto because Earth has a higher gravitational pull than Pluto does.

Can Pluto float in water?

No, Pluto is a dwarf planet made primarily of rock and ice, so it would not float in water. The density of Pluto is much higher than that of water, so it would sink if it were placed in a body of water.

What was discovered first Pluto or Saturn?


How are the planets Pluto and Saturn different?

The size. Sturn is Much bigger. Saturn is not solid, Pluto is.

Who is Saturn's dad?

Pluto was originated to have been Saturn's father.

What is outer planets?

* Jupter * Saturn * Urans * Nepturn * And Sometime Pluto * Jupter * Saturn * Urans * Nepturn * And Sometime Pluto

Is Pluto's orbit shorter then Saturn's?

No, Pluto's orbit is longer than Saturn's. Pluto takes about 248 years to complete one orbit around the Sun, while Saturn takes about 29 years.

Arrange the planet in increasing order according to their size Saturn Uranus Mercury Earth Pluto?

Pluto, mercury, mars, venus, earth, neptune, uranus, Saturn then Jupiter.

How are Saturn and Jupiter differ from Pluto?

Saturn and Jupiter are gas giants, much larger than Pluto which is a dwarf planet. Saturn and Jupiter have rings, while Pluto does not. Additionally, Saturn and Jupiter are part of the main asteroid belt, while Pluto is located in the Kuiper Belt on the outer edges of the solar system.

Is Charon one of Saturn's moons?

No. Charon is a moon of Pluto, not Saturn.