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It appears that peppermint oil, not peppermint extract, works better to get rid of mice. This is because the extract contains more alcohol than peppermint oil, so it will not be as strong as the oil itself.

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Q: Which works better for mice peppermint extract or oil?
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Will wintergreen rid mice?

It works to get rid of diseases in the air, while acting as expectorant. The mice do not like the smell of wintergreen or peppermint.

Can you replace peppermint extract with peppermint oil?

I don't know why, but no. If you scroll down to the ingredientss in the following link, it shows that you can'treplace the [peppermint oil] wih [peppermint extrace] that's for baking. For 'mice and rats', I don't think it matters. Peppermint is peppermint, correct?Hope this helps! Plus, the recipe is delicious:D Try it!-cameronlow;]

What do type of plants do mice eat?

Yes, they dig holes in the dirt down to the roots. They may be burying some pet food if you have that sitting around. The best way to keep them out of your plants is to put a few drops of peppermint oil in the dirt, make sure it is oil not extract. Mice hate the smell of it. Also, if you plant peppermint outside along your house it will keep them out. Works for me!

Does peppermint oil keep away mice?


How is peppermint used today?

Peppermint is used in mints, drinks and desserts. The most common uses are in alcoholic drinks and in chocolate-based recipes. However, peppermint oil is ideal for keeping spiders and mice away, as they hate the stuff.

What are some natural ways of mice control?

Some natural ways of mice control can include usage of peppermint, cloves, citronella and cayenne pepper. Mice hate the smell of these natural products.

Does peppermint oil repel mice?

Perhaps, though most likely not. Peppermint oil repels insects. I've lived 20 years in an old farm house surrounded by hay fields, deer woods, and cattle. I've battled field mice, and pack rats, the entire time I've lived here. I hear about peppermint oil on cotton balls via television and thought it was worth a try. I started with the drawer under my oven, cleaned it really good with hot soapy water and towel dried it. Took four cotton balls and dabbed peppermint oil on each of them and placed them in each corner of the drawer. A few days later I located a pack rat nest in another drawer in the kitchen and I cleaned it and put four peppermint oil dabbed cotton balls, one in each corner and shut the drawer. That was two weeks ago. I checked the drawers today for the first time since placing the peppermint oil dabbed cotton balls in them. No sign of mice at all! It's winter time and mice move in for the winter every winter. Thing winter they may be moving our permanently! The peppermint oil also kills off the horrible smell left behind by the mice. If in fact peppermint oil does repel insects, I pray it works for brown recluse spiders. I'll keep an eye out for those also come spring. I'll loving the stuff and plan to grow my own peppermint and make my own oil. Brig Gen

How much better can a mice smell than a human?

No, mice have a better sense of smell .

Where to find mice outside?

Probably the best way to get rid of mice outside would be to get a cat. Keep things clean and garbage tightly covered. Peppermint or clove essential oil and mouse repellent could also be used to keep mice away from areas outside.

Could Grape seed extract reduce prostate enlargement?

Testing with TRAMP mice has shown that Grape seed extract inhibits prostate tumor growth and progression. The extract contains some of the most powerful antioxidants available.

What the easiest and fastest way to catch mice?

What you do is take a blanket sheet ad spread it out flat and them u get peanut butter and bread you make peanut butter sandwiches and then put them in the sheet get fishin line and a hook ge the fishin line and tie them to the hooks on the blanket and have a hook connected to the roof take the hooks push them through the sheet tie fishin line to all 7/8 of them put te line through the hook And go some where u can wait For them to go eat the peanut butter sandwiches once there is a good amount of mice there pull the line the Blanket come up and u got some mice but the thing u have to do is I u have peppermint leaves around your home pick those and put them were the mice are they can't stand the smell of peppermint once u get them and let them out of your house start planting peppermint plants all around your house it works!

Will peppermint oil keep rats away?

Mice for some reason do not like the smell of mint. This has caused many people to use mint plants and oils as a natural mouse repellent.