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Hens don't always lay in the same place, but they tend to lay where others have laid before them. They like a protected area so they get some privacy for the special occassion, and it should be well lined with straw or a similar material. They will make several turns in order to create a depression to their liking and then the magic moment will occur. If hens are stressed they will convert their egg-making energy into nervous energy. Their laying area should be as calm and quiet as possible so they feel comfortable.

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Q: Why Do Chickens Always Lay In Their Eggs In The Same Place?
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Are all eggs fertilized in external fertilization?

No, for example human eggs are fertilized internally, as well as many other animals.

Do chickens poo and lay eggs out the same hole?

Yes actually they do, I have owned chickens since i was 10 years old and everyday i gather eggs and have to wash them off,it also may depend on if the chickens roost in on or around their laying boxes if the laying box has a top than they probably wont poop on the eggs but most chickens will end up roosting ON TOP of the laying boxes and poop on the eggs while they sleep, just because you provide a roost away from the laying boxes doesn't mean they will sleep on itmy chickens have a roost away from the laying boxes but getting them to sleep there is impossible.If they have found an outdoor nest to lay eggs the answer is NO, the chicken will not poop in the nest or around it as long as their roost is not above the nest.Another answer: Chicken may well lay eggs in the same locations that they also 'poop' in but they don't lay eggs from the same bodily orifice from which they have a 'poop' which appears to be what the question is asking.

How are cats and owls are the same?

Umm... I would say they see in the dark sleep during the day and probably always stay in the same place unless they have to go somewhere important. Hopefully my answer helped. =D, C&P

How do roosters get the hen pregnant?

Roosters don't get the hen pregnant but fertilise the eggs inside her. Chickens are born not from a Mother hen but come from the eggs she lays. The egg fertilisation process takes place when the rooster "Mounts" the hen.

Are owls roamers or do they tend to roost in the same place?

Owls are roamers. they don't always stay in the same place. Your welcome

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How do ducks lay eggs?

same as chickens! See chickens

How do penguins make there eggs?

The same way chickens do.

Where do the eggs come out of snakes?

The eggs come out of the same orifice that they defecate through, just like chickens.

Which got the first place egg or chicken?

welll.....chickens come from eggs and eggs come from chickens sooo....i dunno :DChickens evolved from earlier birds, so presumably in the distant past a bird that was almost, but not quite a chicken laid some eggs. Unfortunately, there was a mutation which meant that the chicks that came from the eggs weren't the same as their parents - they actually were chickens. So, the egg came first - what laid it wasn't a chicken.

Do eagles have live birth?

No they dont, they lay eggs and have to hatch them the same as chickens do.

Is the egg of broiler chicken different from the egg of hen chicken?

I believe all chickens come from hen chickens; therefore the eggs that result in chickens are the same, whether the meat is broiled or not.

Is it true that a chicken will lay eggs the same color as its legs?

yes chickens can lay blue, green, red even purple eggs

Do chicken eggs and excrement come out the same opening?

NO does kids come out of that hole? NO, same thing with chickens!!

Are all eggs fertilized in external fertilization?

No, for example human eggs are fertilized internally, as well as many other animals.

Does the time of day affect when chickens lay there eggs?

No. Hens will lay eggs almost anytime. Early morning is when my hens lay most of their eggs. I have had eggs laid well after dark or overnight. egg laying takes place when the hen feels comfortable enough to settle in the nest. Some hens will fall into a routine and lay at the same time daily.

What are chickenes?

Chickens are a domesticated bird that are raised for meat and eggs. They are often kept by individuals at home for the same reasons.

I own a female Rainbow Lorikeet and she is periodically laying eggs. There is no male present. Is this normal?

no --------------- Yes. Just in the same way female chickens lay eggs regularly, other birds lay eggs when they ovulate regularly, lorikeets included.