

Why animals need fur?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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Animals need fur to keep them warm. They need heat to survive! Especially in the wild, it doesn't mean that if you're in the wild, there's no such thing as winter and snow. When it snows or/and gets below 0, they'd need that heat. Just like you, clothes is like fur to us, and our skin needs protection, just like animals. If some human was in the wild with no clothes at all and it was below 0, you'd probably die!:( Animals need as much protection as we do.

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What purpose do fur serve for animals?

Well, fur for some animals is like a huge fluffy winter coat to protect them from the cold. But for some (cats) their fur has natural oils in it, which they need.

Why do animals in hot climates need thin fur?

because if they had thick fur, they would die of heat stroke.

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Furs And Fatsthick fur and insulating layers of fat

Is the fur trade wrong?

yes very you are killing very innocent animals for their fur they didn't do anything and you don't need it

What animals use their fur to keep warmer and why do they needed to warmer?

animals fur keeps them war because its thivk and keeps their skin warm. a lot of animals need to stay warm (like polar bears) because of the habitat they live in or because of the weather. if ceratin animals didnt have fur, they would die. some animals can go without fur (like snakes and lizards) but need to stay in warm places/habitats/weather etc :)

Do you need a licenses to cut animals fur?

As a job: depends where you live (?) As an owner: no

Does all fur come from animals?

Yes, all natural fur comes from animals, though not all animals have fur.

Why is it good to kill animals for food and fur?

It is only good in the sense of our (humanity) survival. Otherwise, it is bad just to kill an animal for their fur because we already have clothing made from cotton and other materials, therefore humans do not need fur coats or apparel. We only need to kill animals for food, not for fur. It is bad to kill for fur, but good for humanity to kill for food.

Why do some animals have fur and other animals do not?

It's based on what type of animal your talking about. Fur, is used for keeping warmth and sometimes blending in. for example, a fish doesn't need fur because it lives in the water and is cold blooded, so what would be the point of fur? On the other hand, a wolf needs fur because during the winter they need to be warm because their not cold blooded like fishes are.

Does a gecko have fur?

No, these animals have scales not fur.

How did animals get fur?

they grew the fur duh1

Do animals in the tundra tend to have more fur than animals in the rainforest?

Yes. They need more to keep warm in a colder climate.