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Flowers attract by smell and color, but some birds are attracted to pine cones, like the various species of finches called crossbills.

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Q: Why are insects and birds attracted to flowers but not pine cones?
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Do cherry blossoms produce flowers or cones?

The cherry tree (various varieties) produce flowers. The flowers attract flying insects that cross pollinate the trees. Once pollinated, the cherry tree produces a fruit known as a cherry. They do not produce cones!

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No, ferns do not have cones or flowers.

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Conifers produce cones and not flowers.

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Do any pine trees have flowers before pine cones?

no, pine trees are gymnosperms and only produce cones, never flowers

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Apple trees produce apple blossoms, which when pollinated, then produce the fruit. Only trees with needles produce cones with seeds, some of which are edible, but not as fruit -- as nuts.

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Nuts, seeds, conifer cones, fruit, fungi, green vegetation, insects, eggs, baby snakes, baby birds, and smaller rodents.

Why pine cones are not colorful?

because gymnosperms rely on the mass production of pollen and wind for pollen transfer and pollination. as insects play a relatively small roll in the transfer of pollen there is no necessity for the plant to expend energy on producing colourful cones (as is the case with angiosperms and flowers).

What is the name of a tree which produces cones instead of flowers?

A tree that produces cones instead of flowers is called a "conifer". Most conifers are evergreens, but not all of them. These cones are produced to protect their seeds. Eventually the cones open up and the seeds fall out.

Do conifers have seeds?

Conifers don't produce real flowers. However they do produce "flower-like pollen."